My SSI was approved!!!



Just had to share this good news ASAP. Got a phone call from the Social Security office and after a routine review of all new cases, they re-approved (had originally denied) my disability application and it was APPROVED!!. This means I will have enough funds to not only pay all of my bills, but buy groceries as well. So grateful that my Mom is up there watching over my well being because I know this miracle happened as an answer to lots of prayers. Too bad my first check won't be coming for 2 months cuz I have to figure out how to fund my 'family invasion'. LOL All of my brothers and sisters will be coming to visit me, a few at a time. Too bad I can't accomodate them all at once, but I'll take em on one at a time as they arrive. LOL

I also learned from the SS lady that I won't need to use Hospice if I require any personal care. Instead I will have access to the 'in home care' program. This means I won't have to chose between chemo and Hospice like I originally thought I would. Could it get any better than that??? You all know what a fighter I am and I would never give up my treatments while there was even one ounce of breath left in me!! My doctors will be thrilled to hear this latest update. They are such a wonderful group of compassionate folks and to even discuss Hospice care made them all so very sad. Now I can just go to all my appointments and give them updates on my dollhouses instead. I do believe they use this bit of info to monitor my overall health status. If I can focus on these projects then my mental status must still be intact. LOL

I began my newest 'chemo pill' regime yesterday and haven't had any bad side effects yet. I take this one for 2 weeks then take a week off to be monitored. Today I go for the 15 minute infusion of the second chemo drug the doctor wants to give me. This one I take only once every 3 weeks for the bone metastasis, so I imagine it will be pretty potent. Just hope I don't get any strong reactions while my family is visiting. Geez, they already think I'm the nutty one in the family. If I get any more confused then their suspicions will be validated!!! :D

Hugs, Mariposa/Ronda


Great news, Ronda!!! I know this is a great relief for you...keep up the fight, girl!


It is great to hear you so up beat! And such good news but sorry that they can't process it a little faster!



A wonderful piece of news, congrats. Nice that your family is coming to visit, I bet they will help with the expenses of their food, etc... while visiting. Keep working on those dollhouses and enjoy your family.


Glad to hear that you got through the system with a good outcome. May things continue to go well for you.


Ronda, sounds like good news coming your way, something you need, for sure. Let us know how this round goes for you. Blessings!!!


Oh that is wonderful news, but why does it take them so ling to get a check out to you. Love your postive attitude.
Prayers & good thoughts continue to fly your way from MN.


Sending love and best wishes. While talking with a swim buddy was telling here abt your great attitude. Her sister had just found out her cancer has gone to her brain too. Keep up your good attitude.


Glad to check in and get the good news!! Will check for more when I return home tomorrow.


Sorry I missed this sooner Mari.....glad to hear they did the right thing :thumb