My Take On The Changes Around Here!



I've purposely kept silent on the "new" rules because I wanted a chance to let things sink in before I threw my =twocents in.

I spent well over an hour on the phone with bOB yesterday so he could attempt to explain to me what is trying to be done. To be brutally honest, I agree that something needed to be done or cruise @ddicts would wind up going by the wayside.

I think the problem is in each of our perceptions of what Captain John was trying to accomplish. Basically, I think what he's looking for is not necessarily only cruise-related postings on the Community board. He merely wants to relocate some things that were filling up that board and thus discouraging any newbies and/or returning posters from sticking around.

The community as a whole can benefit from red stripe's tips. The community as a whole is impacted by the prime rate change. We all want to know what’s going on with the weather. And the day wouldn’t start right for the community as a whole without Maw’s Office Ramble and Tero’s Good Morning posts. I believe the community as a whole benefited from Cruiser’s, “Where In The World†because there were many pictures of places that many of us have not yet been to. I could go on and on, but my lunch hour is almost over. :)D

The Aft Deck is meant (at least that’s how I take it) to be for things that the community as a whole, and particularly newbies, don’t necessarily know about. While the majority of us “know†each other and are concerned about the health and well being of everyone, including furbabies, Friends and Family members, many people have no idea about whom we’re speaking. I never miss an opportunity to say a prayer for any of my @ddicts Family members, whether two-footed or four-footed. As it is, I regularly check out the HAL board, so now I’ll check out the Aft Deck, too. I’m extremely proud of my darling Granddaughter and like to tout her accomplishments. I can just as easily tout on the Aft Deck as on the Community board.

I didn’t want this to turn into a epistle, but I guess it has. What it boils down to is that Cruise @ddicts has always been a great place to come and play. So what if we need to go to a different a different part of the playground to post some things? We still have the best community online IMHO!

So, Buoys and Gulls, what do you say we stop sniping at each other and complaining about the changes and get on with the business at hand, which is getting back to being a great place for cruisers, past cruisers and even future cruisers to visit and learn all about cruising and the community of cruisers we have here. :thumb :thumb :thumb


Judi, I think most of us have settled into this new routine by now quite nicely. I love the mix of posts here. It's just that when we think we have it all figured out, something just hits us wrong and rocks our boat again, that's all. I felt like this all the way through Algebra in high school. Never did get all that figured out either, but I passed with a C- LOL don't worry, after a little venting and clarifying, we'll be OK again, I'm sure. Bear with us pls.

Hugs, Mari


I am not sure. Is cruise addicts run as a hobby that John has, or is this web site a business for making money. really i dont know.


Change is often frustrating for us, but we roll with it and become comfortable with the changes, until it seems normal. To me, this already seems right. I actually like being able to go to one place for all that is cruise-related, and to another place for OT stuff. I understand that the Cap't needs to make changes he feels is appropriate... this is his board after all, and it's his responsibility. We don't want this ship going down!

Go for it Capitan. You are doing a great job!


[quote Judi]To be brutally honest, I agree that something needed to be done or cruise @ddicts would wind up going by the

He merely wants to relocate some things that were filling up that board and thus discouraging any newbies and/or returning posters from sticking around....

So what if we need to go to a different a different part of the playground to post some things? We still have the best community online IMHO![/quote]

100% correct :thumb


I agree that it will just take a little time to get used to everything so every now and again someone with have something to say about it, good or bad. Change just takes some time and not everyone adjusts in the same manner.

I just want to go on another cruise and it seems that I will have to wait a year or so and that stinks!


Dusky, this is a hobby for John. The money he makes goes into the upgrades and server service. IF there is any profit, I am sure it is very little and John isn't getting rich off of it by any means.


Me too...I like the new Aft Board, and I feel comfortable posting OT's over here. I'm glad John gave us this place to post our OT's and not feel we are offending anyone!


Yes, I do like the new AFT board because most of my posts are OT and I am going to bore you with pictures of my beautiful granddaughter now and then :D


Whether or not money is made off the board is immaterial.

The important thing is that we have the opportunity to post cruising or non-cruising notes, regardless of where they go!


[quote Judi]Whether or not money is made off the board is immaterial.[/quote] I disagree 100% (td)

[quote Judi]The important thing is that we have the opportunity to post cruising or non-cruising notes, regardless of where they go![/quote] I agree 100% :thumb


As we have said before no one likes change and I feel that everyone is getting used to posting on this board on Ot subjects. I think we are getting more post then the community board gets. And if new people want answers they still have a place to go. I see more and more addicts posting here now.


Very well saiad, Judi. Plain and simple language. I am enjoying the Aft Deck, myself. cc


As everyone has said it takes time for people to get used to change but I'm sure that if most of you could really take a good look back at what this board was when it first started that you would see how much it had changed. The difference being that it was a gradual change rather than 1 day John announced new rules. I believe that the board had gradually drifted way off course from what he intended it to be but I think John has now made the appropriate corrections to get us back on course and I hope it will be smooth sailing for all of us from here on. With the new Aft section I think this site will be better than ever.


I don't see where it is any of OUR business whether John makes money on this site or not. If John breaks even....great....if he make a profit.....GOOD FOR HIM! Would you feel better if he went into his life savings or took food out of his 2 kids mouths every month to give us this great place to hang out? GEEZ....WHO CARES!!!


[quote Mgram]I don't see where it is any of OUR business whether John makes money on this site or not. If John breaks even....great....if he make a profit.....GOOD FOR HIM! Would you feel better if he went into his life savings or took food out of his 2 kids mouths every month to give us this great place to hang out? GEEZ....WHO CARES!!![/quote]

as long as John doesn't lose money by not enough people staying at this site.


[quote herb][quote Mgram]I don't see where it is any of OUR business whether John makes money on this site or not. If John breaks even....great....if he make a profit.....GOOD FOR HIM! Would you feel better if he went into his life savings or took food out of his 2 kids mouths every month to give us this great place to hang out? GEEZ....WHO CARES!!![/quote]

as long as John doesn't lose money by not enough people staying at this site.[/quote]

Herb, when I said WHO CARES, what I was trying to say was that it should not be an issue for US whether this board is for hobby or profit......we are guests. If John has turned his 'child' into something extra for him and his family, I say he deserves CONGRATS on doing something right. I was taking issue with a previous post that raised the question of hobby or profit.....and to that....WHO CARES....what difference does that make to us? OUR responsibility is to do our best to help make this a pleasant playground with our personalities....not wonder if the owner is lining his pockets.

I care VERY much about the success of C@s...and always will....and there are enough of us "old timers" here that I don't see a problem with people not staying......just look at the new blood/returning posters to the Community Board since John took this step. We are talking CRUISING again.....YEAH!!! Now there is something for the newcomers to HANG AROUND for.......and some will migrate to the Aft Deck to be a bigger part of the community whole. I know you agree that the changes were needed and will be a positive step.

Well......leaving to Port Canaveral in an hour or so for tomorrow's Mariner sailing.....see y'all when I get back....hopefully the dust will have settled by then! ;)


Considering the changes my family and I go through daily, this is a piece of cake