My turn


Social Host
Now its my turn, alittle while ago My Rosemary had Cataract surgery done on the left eye and a month later on the right eye.
Now its my turn. I am schedule for next tuesday on the right eye. I am not sure about the left yet. My doctor told me that I will be able to see far without Glasses, but will probably need Glasses to read. another sign that I am getting old.


Staff Captain
Earl - look forward to being able to see better, don't worry about the getting old part, we all are. The only difference is that now you'll be able to see better than most of us. I can't see 5 inches past my nose - Den just measured :biggrin: . I'm ready for cataract surgery, but I don't have them!!!!! :doubleup:

Good luck!! (((HUGS)))

Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
Now its my turn, alittle while ago My Rosemary had Cataract surgery done on the left eye and a month later on the right eye.
Now its my turn. I am schedule for next tuesday on the right eye. I am not sure about the left yet. My doctor told me that I will be able to see far without Glasses, but will probably need Glasses to read. another sign that I am getting old.

I had that done two years ago on both eyes two weeks apart. The hardest part for me was learning not to wear glasses. Everyone that ever knew me, including my daughters and grand kids, had never seen me without them. I ended up having no line bifocals made for reading with plain glass at the top.


Staff Captain
Welcome to the club! You should notice a great improvement in colors. When I had mine done, there was a 29 year old woman in our group! So age isn't always the reason.



1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Good luck!


Forever Remembered
Bonne chance - good luck, Earl. I had cataract surgery in June - left eye then right eye, one week apart. I was told I would probably need reading glasses. Quite the opposite - although I am legal to drive without glasses, I'm getting distance glasses to make things just a bit clearer. Intermediate (for example, the computer) and reading are just fine.

Let us know how things turn out. Best wishes.


Safety Officer
Good luck, Earl!


Captain Weather
Best of luck Earl



Staff Captain
Hope all goes well - sounds like it will definitely make an improvement with your vision!


Donna - dsw

Staff Captain
Wishing you the best - my hubby had both eyes done last month first one and the two weeks later the other - after all done - you will wonder why they had to wait so long! Take care


Good luck Eaarl--had right eye done 3 weeks ago go in next week for left eye. Doc says 20/20 in right eye. Just easy procedure.