My visit with Charles


Carnival Specialist
Community Sponsor
I dropped in on our Captain Weather a little after noon today, in between his morning and afternoon therapy sessions. He had a big smile on his face and he was alert and as comfortable as could be expected. :doubleup: Still not allowed to put wieght on his leg, so he hasn't been on crutches yet, but he hopes that after the orthopedic dr. sees him on wednesday, he'll be able to head in that direction. He is antsy to get home and become as he told me, "Mrs. Charles" problem!! :biggrin: Most of our time was spent talking about, you guessed it, cruising. He said he can't wait for the bermuda cruise with the ducks this spring, so I know he has his eyes on the prize!!!

Charles has a long road ahead of him, but he is in one of the top rehab facilities in the country. Please remember to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

He asked me to thank everyone for the love, support, thoughts, and prayers that has been sent his way. This just proves that Cruise @ddicts is second to none!!! :thankyou:


Forever Remembered
Thanks for posting this, Jeff, and thanks for visiting him as you said you would. I just got off the phone with him, and first thing he mentioned was your visit today. :doubleup:

Reiterating what you said, Charles thanks the @ddicts for their prayers and well-wishes. Oh yes, he thanked Pucci as well.

As you know, he has no idea at this point how long he will be in rehab or what lies ahead for him.

Mary Ann

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
That is so wonderful that you were able to visit Charles.

Wish we lived closer so that we could visit him as well.

Prayers for Charles that he keeps on improving.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
:thankyou:I am so grateful to have a first hand account..thanks so much Jeff...Prayers continue he heals all better...:)..Joanne