NCL "Concierge Available" ?



I was thinking to give NCL a try. Hope someone can help me with two questions:

Information for their suite states "concierge available". What does that mean? We were on RC and had concierge service. They had a special room you could go get free drinks, munchies, etc. Is that what NCL is talking about or what?

Also, I really like the idea of having formal night as optional. Don't really feel like dressing up for this trip (Bermuda). Do fellow passengers look at you strange if you don't dress up?

Thanks for any info you might have.

Don Clark

With NCL, concierge service is limited to just one person who makes reservations, like at restaurants and the spa and getting tender tickets for you.

Which means you avoid standing in lines getting these things done. It's what I call a nice bonus, but not a necessity.