Lisa, I think we can all thank you for your professional advise, expecially about the way to write the letter. Once when I was still a TA I got a letter from a dissatified cliant, it was about 8 pages long, poorly writen and nit picked everything about her resort stay. Guess what, other than a brief, I'm sorry" responsens I let it die. There were too many complaints, most rediculous to even bother. This was absolutely the only time I ignored a cliant. Some complaints I handles (which really were not that many) got immediate attention. Often there wasn't much that could be done, but we did what we could.
ps one complaint I see on these boards: I never even met my cabin steward. This happened to us on a cruise a couple of years ago. It would have been nice to see him/her, but our room was always cleaned and everything in order and handled promptly, I could have cared less about who he/she was. It's like the towel animals. They are super fun, but have little to do with the overall efficentcy of the person responsible for keeping my cabin clean and well stocked with whatever. NMnita