NCL Menus Insight



Our December cruise is our 18th cruise, but first on NCL and freestyle. Do the menus change daily in each restaurant, as they do in traditional dining rooms on other cruise lines, or do the stay the same all week and you just move from restaurant to restaurant for variety? Seems like it'll take some time each day to check them all, if they change, to decide where to eat that night.:)


We cruised on NCL for the first time with freestyle last Christamas. The menu in the main dining rooms seemed to change daily. However, the extra price restaurant, Le Bistro, had the exact same menu for the entire cruise. We did not do dinner at the Lido buffet and cannot speak to that. Hope you enjoy the freesyle concept. We found the waits to be very short and were always able to sit alone with just our family. However, the more upscale dining that cruising is sometimes known for was missing. We felt the restaurants were a bit more chain like - good food but not spectacular dining. Perhaps we are just more traditional cruisers. Even our college and HS sons liked traditional better, expect for the tablemates. But, the sushi bars on some NCL ships are great. Have a great cruise and enjoy.


Thanks for the quick response! I didn't realize that Le Bistro was addition charge. We used one of those on Carnival Legend and had a great meal. What is the charge for Le Bistro? I didn't like personal choice dining on Princess. We, and our kids, are traditional diners. The Dec cruise annually is an anniversary cruise just for the two of us. Thought we'd give freestyle a shot, as we loved the itinerary.


I think Le Bistro was $12 per and the others were $10 per. I noticed that each day at the buffet, the menu would have a theme and then the leftovers from that day would roll over into the next day's Midnight Buffet. So if you missed, say Italian by evening, hit the buffet at midnight (pre really) the following day.