NCL questions



I have been looking at two NCL cruises. One is the Majesty out of Charleston (Dec 27-Jan7)and the other
was supposed to be the Sun out of New Orleans (Dec 29- Jan8). I have looked on the Internet and
the Sun sailing said it was out of Houston?? I also noticed that when I look at itineraries for the Charleston Majesty cruise that the ports of call are different from what I originally looked up. Can the cruise line change the ports of call ?
I like the Charleston cruise because of the ports not necessarily the ship per say as I think the Sun might be a nicer ship than say the Majesty ( I wouldn't know as I have never sailed on either).
So my question is:
Does anyone know what port the Sun is sailing out of Dec.29- Jan1?
Does anyone know if the cruise line changes ports, I was informed previously that the Majesty
was going to: St. Thomas, Antigua, Barbados, St. Kitts and Tortola BVI.
Thank you for your help
ps: I am sure to add to the silly questions again. :)


The cruise line can change the ports even after the ship sets sail.

For example, "Oh look, the hurricane is over our next port, well, I think we will go somewhere else then."

Or, "With one engine out I don't think we can make it that far. Lets look for a closer port."


Well I guess that makes sense LOL
Thanks, I guess if I am just on any ship going anywhere I will be happy :)


Yes, as has been answered for you, port a call are changed for many reasons especially due to weather or engine problems. Of course the Sun had to more to Houston as the port in NOLA isn't much right now. Hope this helps some and yes, a cruise to anywhere should make most of us happy. Good luck with your plans. NMNita

Don Clark

The following itinerary I got from a travel agency web site:

Tue Dec 27 Charleston, SC 5:00pm
Wed Dec 28 At Sea
Thu Dec 29 At Sea
Fri Dec 30 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 11:00am 6:00pm
Sat Dec 31 Antigua 7:00am 4:00pm
Sun Jan 1 Barbados 10:00am 4:00pm
Mon Jan 2 St. Kitts 11:00am 4:00pm
Tue Jan 3 Tortola, British V.I. 7:00am 1:00pm
Wed Jan 4 At Sea
Thu Jan 5 At Sea
Fri Jan 6 At Sea
Sat Jan 7 Charleston, SC 8:00am

Here's what the NCL web site states today:
11-Day Southern Caribbean - Norwegian Majesty
2005: Dec 27

Day Port Arrive Depart
Tue. Charleston, South Carolina - - 5:00pm
Wed. At sea - - - -
Thu. At sea - - - -
Fri. St. Thomas, Us Virgin Islands 12:00pm 6:00pm
Sat. St. John's, Antigua 7:00am 4:00pm
Sun. Bridgetown, Barbados 10:00am 4:00pm
Mon. Basseterre, St. Kitts 11:00am 4:00pm
Tue. Tortola, British Virgin Islands 7:00am 6:00pm
Wed. At sea - - - -
Thu. At sea - - - -
Fri. At sea - - - -
Sat. Charleston, South Carolina 8:00am* - -

They appear to me to be the same as what you stated in your post.
What 's different?


Cruie lines do change ports for various reasons. To some, who plan a cruise around a particular port this is sad, but I can not imagine letting a change in ports cause a problem with a cruise as cruising should be an entire experiences, from ports, to food and entertainment, to relaxation and more. We are cruising Celebrity in a few months for our granddaughter's wedding. The itinerary has been changed 4 times in the past 3 months. Are we thrilled? Of course not, but none of us and there will be a whole lot are letting this affect the cruise in anyway. This happened to us on another Celebrity cruise. Again, we were not happy but did not let it interfer with our opinion of Celebrity or our enjoyment of the vacation.



Thank you all for the help. I am sorry about the question. I was unaware (due to my not doing any research that St. John is a part of Antigua and that Bridgetown was part of Barbados)
I am happy to say that I am almost 99.9% positive we will book the Majesty out of Charleston
for Dec. 27 - Jan 7
I cannot tell you how excited I am. Hubby isn't thrilled with the idea , he thinks Vegas is the ultimate dream vacation but I am sooooo tired of Vegas.
Can I ask another silly question???
Can I bring an iron on board?
How "Sound Proof" are those cabins :) wink wink ( our 7th yr anniversary) hehehe
Thanks again



Barbados is one on our favorite ports. If you want a really good tour let me get the information for you regarding the company we used. You can choose from one of the standard tours or they will customize a tour for you based on the amount of time you want to spend and what you want to see. We have been to the island 3 times, twice on cruises and once did a 4 day land trip, we still have not seen all the sights. NMnita


NMnita, I would greatly appreciate any info you have on Barbados tours. Thank you so much.



here are two companies we have used, both are wonderful to do business with, but I think I slightly lean toward Boyce Tours. Glory tours owned by a gal named Sarah who is American is wonderful, but the company is small and when she gets sick or something everything seems to come to a standstill. Either will do a private tour or you can get a list of the organized tours. You can do either 1/2 or full day. For more information you may want to log onto Barbados tours and just play around. Here are the websites for Boyce and Glory: Glory: and the email address is:

I hope this will at least give you some ideas. We have visited the beaches, the caves, the Anglican churches as well as the Orchad farm and several other awesome places. Each site has been wonderful. it is a clean island and a friendly island. NMnita