We are going on the Star on 4/30/05 with 2 other couples. We are also on deck 8 but inside cabins. DH and I had a balcony on our honeymoon, but last year we got inside cabins when we traveled with friends to save $. We still had a great time, and I actually slept better with the inside cabin. (I am a very light sleeper) So this year, we recruited another couple and all decided to go with inside cabins to save $ (we booked an inside cabin guarantee for the price of a Deck 4 inside cabin, and within a week we had assigned cabins on Deck 8). We are all pretty active and don't spend a lot of time in our rooms except to sleep, so it made sense for us. I am sure that if it was just DH and I, we would probably spring for a balcony again, as it was pretty romantic. Boy wouldn't one of those Garden Villas on the top deck be a dream! I am wondering if they are not sold out, if they will give tours?
From the research I have done, the ship looks GREAT, and we are all really excited. Onboard, we are most interested in finding out which of the surcharge rests are worth the $. I have heard conflicting opinions on this. We are especially interested in Ginza (all areas), as some of us love Sushi and don't get the opportunity to get it in Ohio. Also, this group we are traveling with used to go to a Japanese steakhouse at least once a month, but now there is nothing local so we would love to try out the teppanyaki room. We are also interested in the nightlife on board. I think the Spinnaker Lounge looks like fun, but the 360deg vidcam isn't that great. I read that it has a dancefloor and live music stage. Would like to confirm, as that is what this group is into. And also what type of live entertainment they have onboard and if they will still be with the ship on the 4/30 sailing.
I am also interested in any information that we can get on the ports. All of these ports are new to us as we have traveled to the other side of Mexico and the Caribbean. I read that 3 of the 4 ports are tendered. Would like to know how this ship handles the tender process, as last year on Carnival we had one tender in Grand Cayman, and it was a nightmare. To their credit it was a problem with some idiots messing around going through customs that held us up, and they were removed from the ship and not allowed to continue on the cruise. But still we were advised to get up early, get our tender tags, and even if we would have gotten off the ship when we were supposed to, it would have been a long morning sitting around and waiting. I would appreciate knowing in advance, what the procedure is, and how you cruising "pros" handle tenders. Also, we want to make the most out of our time on shore, but not sure if we need to pre-book tours. Some of the days are short. Would appreciate any information you find on this topic.
Well both of you have great trips and I look forward to reading your reviews! Thanks! Cindy