Need info. on Century's SKY BAR/Sky Suites



Hi, all!

We are preparing to book a Sky Suite on the Sports Deck of the Century and have a few questions about the Sky Bar.

1. What is the purpose of the Sky Bar? Is it simply a lounge/bar area or is it also a dining area?

2. How "busy" is the Sky Bar?

3. Will noise from the Sky Bar affect the Sky Suites near it?

4. It looks as if the edge of the Sports Deck, right out from the Sky Bar is open air -- is that correct? Do people frequent it much?

We would appreciate any information as we are preparing to select the location of the Sky Suite to reserve. We would like to select one that will have as much peace and quiet as possible! Any information regarding cabin selection would be appreciated, as well.

Thank you!!


We never heard noise from the bar area.We did however have a large group of 10-15 year olds running up and down the hallway ,I guess they liked the elev. in that area. The Sky bar is also a dining area and you need reservations as it is a smaller area and sometimes can fill up . The suites are very comfortable and the balconys are great.

Laurie :wave


10 to 15 year-olds running up and down the hallway are my concern too. It appears from the maps that just outside the Sky Bar is the video arcade. Not many people have mentioned it, though, in relation to the Sky Suites. So, I assume it will not deter me from my cruise enjoyment.

Perhaps, when I am bored (not likely), I will sit by my suite door and listen for kids running up and down the hall. When the get close to my cabin, I will quickly open the door, walk out in front of them, and impede their progress ; )

I do remember when I was 11 years old, my grandparents took me on the Carla C. I do remember spending a bit of time in the arcade playing Centipede and Galaga.
