Nervous about cruisin with kids

Lucy Rob

New Member
Hi everyone. I have cruised before but we are taking our 2 kids 10 and 6 on the Carnival Dream in February. Very nervous! I am concerned they will be bored. Any tips or thoughts on kids on a Carnvial Cruise?


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Camp Carnivour will keep them happy as clams

Carnival has one of the best kids programs afloat, you will be lucky if they even want to come back to the cabin at night.


Carnival Specialist
Community Sponsor
I have taken my boys cruising on Carnival since they were 3 & 5, (they are now 14 & 16), and never have they been bored. They have always loved Camp Carnival, and even when they aren't at camp, there are plenty of things to do as a family. As boB said, you may have a hard time getting them out of Camp Carnival to spend time with you!!!


Social Host
I brought my 2 girls in the nineties on a few cruises aboard Carnival, They were never bored.
there is so much to see and do.This Jan. I am bring my grand daughter for the first time aboard the carnival Destiny. Looks like i will be cruising a few more time with Carnival


3rd Officer
They will be fine. My two are begging for the next cruise.


New Member
If you want to see what life is like onboard the CCL Dream with kids check out our video, Flat Stanley Sails the Carnival Dream December 2009 - part 1 - YouTube it was 2 years ago but my boys now 10 & 12 have been sailing since they were 3 months old. Before we can even get off the ship they ask when are we going again? If want to see the Liberty we just got off 1-7-2012 Flat Daddy's "La Cheapo" Carnival Liberty 2.0 New Years 2012 Adventure - YouTube I do have to warn you my husband is crazy and you will laugh so don't watch at work!