new but excited



hi i'm very new to crusies and i'm very excited.I'm getting married and taking my honeymoon on a crusie but i'm still not sure what all i need to do.I would really appreciate any advise possible. Thanks,Jen

Don B

Hi, Jenny! Welcome to the forums! Help us to answer all of your questions by giving us an idea of when and where (or which ship) you will be on. I'll bet you are cruising with Carnival!!! (wild guess)

Don M

Depending on when you're going you may need a passport. Don't put it off until the last minute. If you're sailing this year, you will need a driver's license and birth certificate. Not copies!
Here's a link re: passports:

Otherwise, read this forum and especially the Q & A forum and the post specific questions.

One other piece of advice. Shop around for prices. Try and sign up for their "90 Day Ticker" (free) to geet a quick idea of prices and desinations for the various cruises. Then when you think you know what you want, go to www.cruisecompete and request bids for the cruise and type of cabin you want. Also, be sure to buy travel insurance. It not only protects the cost of your cruise, but if you or your husband became ill or injured it would cover medically evacuating you (make sure your insurance covers this.) Otherwise med evac could cost tens or hundred of thousands of dollars. Got to for prices from a bunch of different insurance companies. I usually buy whichever one is cheapest. Read up on the rules for pre-existing conditions; it's best to buy the travel insurance within a week or two of booking the cruise so that pre-existing conditions will be covered. Congratulations on your planned wedding and have a great time. (And a great marriage!) :)


I really overpacked my first trip- took one small suitcase full of shoes. I spent 50% of my time in swimsuits. Congrats on the wedding- I wish I had cruised when I was younger! You'll be hooked-

Miracle 9-05
Inspiration 4-06
Fascination 8-06
Imagination 12-06
Fantasy 3-24-07 !
Valor 9-07!
