New Orleans ?



Has anyone heard any projections as to when the N.O. port will open back up? I assume the Conquest will return at some point, right?:USA:AL


Sensation is scheduled to return late this year/early next year. Current info has Conquest staying in Galveston. CCL says another ship will be in New Orleans in 2007. Rumor has it being the Freedom.


Rumor has it that the new Freedom will be headed out of Galveston before heading to the Med...later next year.

My concern is-- if Gaveston had the problems with the COnquest--- wouldnt they still have the same problems with the new freedom.

(Port being too small to accomadate the people.)


bikevegas Wrote:
> Has anyone heard any projections as to when the
> N.O. port will open back up? I assume the Conquest
> will return at some point, right?

It's not a question of when the Port of New Orleans will reopen. The port reopened in mid-September and has been seeing increased activity each month since. The reason cruise lines are not back to cruising out of New Orleans is beause the city's infrastructure has not recovered sufficiently in order to service a large number of tourists every week. There is a shortage of hotel rooms, restaurants are open shortened hours due to staffing shortages, and many tourist attractions have not reopened yet. By next Spring most of these issues will either be resolved or lessened in severity. Also, wheather permitting,the new cruise terminal being built next to the old one should be completed sometime next year. The Sensation and Grandeur are already scheduled to return next October and December respectively, and the Sun should be returning next Fall as well. There are rumors floating around town (unconfirmed by Carnival) that the Conquest could be returning as early as late Spring 2006 if the new terminal is completed and Galveston continues to have problems handlng the Conquest.