BalletDancer11 Wrote:
> Hi. I am a teenager and will be going on the
> century in october/november for a 10 day cruise.
> We will be going to barbados, antigua, st. maartin
> and st. lucia. we are going for my uncles wedding
> which is in barbados. here are my questions:
> 1- How is the food?
> 2- Are there alot of activities for teens?
> 3- which ports are the best and what should we do
> there?
> 4-How expensive are things on the ship? (ex:
> beauty salon prices, tshirts, souveniers etc)
> 5- do they have a soda plan?
> 6-Can you eat as much as you want? (can you go to
> 1 place eat then go to another and eat some
> more?)
> Thanks so much! also an yother comments about the
> ship would be greatly appreciated
I see you are going on the Century. We have been on her twice - her very first voyage and then again a year ago.
1 & 6 The food is great on Celebrity Century. Breakfast is served at the buffet, the dining room, and there is an omlette and waffle station. Lunch is served at the buffet, hotdog and hamburger grill, the specialty sandwich and pizza station, the pasta station, and the dining room. Dinner is either in the dining room or alternative casual dining (2 alternating menus served by waiter) in the buffet area. Of course room service is available 24 hours. There is casual tea by the buffet area in the later afternoon, and pastries available in the Cova cafe in the morning and afternoon. There is also a sushi bar in early evening. Celebrity has done away with most of the midnight buffets, but do not miss the Grand Buffet on the last formal night. It opens for viewing and pictures only before it opens for eating. Other nights there are gourmet bites in the lounges where the waiters come to you with tasty tidbits and tiny deserts.
As far as going to more than one place to eat, we have often had soup and desert in the dining room for lunch and then gone up for a burger or the pasta.
2. I can't comment on the teen activities as we waited until our children were grown before cruising. Unless you are traveling during a school break, there aren't that many teens or children aboard Celebrity in our experience.
3. It has been quite a while since we have been to the ports that you are going to, so I won't comment on that.
4. Things are a little more expensive on the ship. Once during your cruise, Celebrity will hold a sale of tshirts and logo items (the discontinued ones). Each day there is a special of the day for sale. Like the previous poster said, there is a port lecture that explains about where to shop to get the best price in port. And you don't have to attend, it is broadcast on the TV in your cabin at various times during the day.
5. Celebrity sells a soda card. You must buy it for the entire week or all the days remaining (if you buy it on the second day or after). It is good for fountain sodas only - not cans. The beauty salon prices are similar to what I pay in the Chicago area.
Celebrity ships are little more sedate than some cruise lines (no rock climbing walls or ice skating rinks)and the evening dress code is usually followed. (No jeans or shorts at dinner in the dining room. ) Evening dress will consist of some casual nights, some informal (semi-formal) nights, and a couple of formal nights.
Good for you for wanting to know more before you go. Sicne you didn't state exaclty when you were going , you might want to bring a portable CD player or ipod with earphones and your favorite music just in case there aren't that many teens aboard - also great for use while laying out by the pool.
Have a great cruise. And if you have any other questions, ask away.