New towel policy on Carnival Victory


Andrea A

At first I thought it was crazy, but I just got off the Victory and I have to say that it was very easy to find a deck chair now that you have use your sign and sail card to get a towel. It doesn't cost you anything, however if you do not return it, you are charged full price for the towel. (which was a ridiculous amount of money). So people due not get towels and save chairs for the whole family while they are off running around doing other things. And most people will not leave their personal belongings on a chair unattended.

Worked out nicely.... good thinking Carnival!!


When we were on Carnival Conquest last March (and old towel policy was in effect) my 12 year old daughter had her towel stolen from her from the lounge chair when we were in the pool swimming. We were responsible for the cost of the towel, even though we did not lose it, it was taken from our possession. My daughter wondered about whether we should steal someone else's towel, but I would not allow that, and she knew that that behaviour would have been wrong, just as the person who did it to us was wrong.

This new towel policy still does not prevent someone from stealing another person's towel, and leaving them with the responsibility for the fees.


How about the towels in your room? what if you take a towel from your room and take it with you on an excursion and loose it; do you get charged for a towel then too? I will be sailing on the Glory..


From what I've read is that if a towel goes missing from the cabin the steward has to pay for it.


We just got back from the Jubilee and the beach towels that they leave in the room had a band around them that said you could take them off of the ship but if they were not returned to the room by the last night of the cruise you would be billed $22 per towel.


I always bring my own, just cause it make it so much easier to find after getting out of the pool, all the cruise towels are the same so mine stands out like a sore thumb, plus it is much bigger and nicer too!!
have fun