New Year's Eve Festivities


Wondering what to expect for New Year's Eve festivites. We are considering Carnival Legend Western Caribbean and wondered if they do anything special to celebrate on New Year's eve.


Staff Captain
I can't answer specifically for Carnival but we were on a RCL ship this past NYE and it was very festive. For one, it was a formal night, and most were dressed up. Then, they had champagne flowing everywhere you went. And, with it being NYE, the pax were all in a party mood. :dance:



Staff Captain
One thing you won't see are fireworks. No high explosives on a cruise ship.

The only exception to that rule is Disney. They have special permission from the Coast Guard to have fireworks at sea because of their outstanding safety record at their theme parks.


3rd Officer
I've spent several cruising New Years', mostly on Carnival. Even if it's not a formal night lots of passengers dress up. The ship provides hats and noise makers and weather permitting the party is up on deck with a countdown and a free glass of champagne. There are other smaller gatherings around the ship but the big one's on the Lido deck. It's pretty crowded but lots of fun with loud music and "happy" people lol.
