Hopefully. DriveHard (DS) will be working on Trinity (DiL). We only have 7 weeks to go before the final decision has to be made.
i.e. - What I'm planning is for NewMoon to have only one gift from Nana and Grandpa under their tree. There will be an envelope on the top, for her to open first. Inside that will be her passport application. The package will be a notebook, with a full illustrated itinerary of the trip. The out-bound air (or rail, if we choose that option), limo, hotel, ship, ports, excursions and return air. Each day will have a seperate page with a section for her journal and a pocket for photos ... There will also be instructions for her to log on to C@s. I've already set up her log-on (name, password and avitar ...)
If it's a "no-go", we have another option waiting in the wings ...