Norwalk type virys & Regal Princess



I just saw this article on CNN web cite:

At least 322 passengers fell ill during an outbreak aboard the Regal Princess, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said.

The ship was bound for New York from Copenhagen, Denmark on a 16-day trip. It was expected to dock in New York Harbor early Tuesday, cutting its voyage short by two days.

The ship set out August 18 and stopped in Britain and Ireland, then left for Iceland. As it prepared to go to the open sea, passengers and crew became more ill, prompting the decision to skip a stop in Newfoundland.

But no way it will stop us from our next sailing 9/03! Just will wash hands more often.



Hi there.

I saw the same article. My husband was ill on our cruise on the Golden Princess this July/August. The symptoms were very similar to those stated in the article. He felt bad for about 4 of our 12 days. The doctors visit which consisted of an exam, and an injection, cost $140.00.

I am sure that the extra hand washing will help, but you might also want to take some Clorox wipes, and use them everytime you get into the lift. There are so many children on the cruises nowadays, and they seem to be allowed all over, mostly without adult supervision.

I hope you have a good cruise, and stay healthy.


I would think the injection was probably to help stop the stomach contractions, possibly compazine. If people have severe nausea, that usually helps.


Post Edited (09-05-03 22:54)