Nita and Baystate, not all of us who feel so negative about NCL think that the Norway will never sail again. I for one will never sail on any NCL ship because I feel that their customer relations department and NCL did a very poor job of handling this. When a cruise is cancelled within 90 days and you have to find another cruise that can be afforded and pay it in full on the same date because you booked 8 months earlier because it is the only week all year you can cruise, it is very difficult. And when you find out your cruise is cancelled 2 months prior to even hearing that your refund may have been sent, it is very difficult o believe NCL is doing anything to make people happy. All they care about is making money. You can tell that they honestly do not care if any of the thousands of people that got screwed out of a cruise ever sail with them again, and it shows. Think what you want about people who are upset, but I can assure you that not everyone hopes that the Norway will never sail again just to say "I told you so." That is an awfully big statement to make. I personally hope the Norway does sail again, but I also hope NCL learns how to deal with people better than they currently are. It is a huge tragedy that the ship had an explosion and lives were lost. I send my prayers and thoughts to the families who lost the life of a loved one in the explosion every day, but accident or not, NCL is responsible for that ship! They should be doing more than they are to compensate people who are now without a cruise. I have found one, but some people cannot afford to sail anything other than they Norway. I feel very badly for those people. I believe NCL needs to change the way they handle this type of situation, and I hope they can learn from this. You can call me crazy if you think that, but I can assure you that most retail places would agree with me, it is not the initial sale that matters, it is the repeat sales that make the difference. NCL needs to change the way they come off to the public as they may have had an initial sale with many people, but now they are giving them their money back, and they will never see another sale to those people. Not good business to come off with the attitude that they do not care what happens to you even though your vacation may have been rude. I am very upset with NCL, but I would like to see they Norway sail just as much as anyone who claims to be happy with the way NCL is handling the situation.