We carried the wine on the plane b/c we were concerned about cabin pressure etc. At the AP we put it in our checked luggage.
The bag w/ the wine was not delivered to our room. We got a note saying that they had security concerns about our luggage. Yeah right. ;-)
We had to go downstairs to claim the bag. There was a line of all the other "smugglers". They took our wine, put stickers on it & told us to ask the wine stewards for it at dinner. They weren't organized enough to get it upstairs teh 1st night. They took all other alcohol -- beer, vodka, etc., put stickers on it & returned it to the cabins at the end of the cruise.
I wish you luck. Let me know how it turned out.
If it doesn't work, you can get a "helmet" of beer. You pay a $5 deposit for the oversized football helmet (you get the $5 back if you return the helmet or you can keep it as a souvenier) you buy 5 beers & they give you 6. W/ tip it was about $20 bucks for imports. We did this & took some back to the room for later consumption. There's also a wine package -- I think it's buy 5 get the 6th free or something like that. You have to keep track of the receipts.