Norwegian Spirits upcoming drydock information


Don Clark

Its finally official. NCL will be adding 22 cabins on deck 13 aft, and adding another 14 cabins on deck 4. Unclear is whether these cabins will be considered minisuites on deck 13 aft. All the galleys will be improved, especially the Terrace, the buffet on deck 12. The casino will be squeezed and moved forward allowing space for a larger giftshop. The photo gallery area will be enlarged. A bar midships will be added to the pool area.

The month long refurbishing drydock will commence after the Alaskan season at the end of September to late October before she arrives in New York City.

It appears she will be a better ship after the drydock, improving the areas to make her a better American ship.


Wow, had no idea Spirit was going in for refurb.....sad to say we had to cancel our March 06 cruise but holding out for 2007 :) Now, if I could only find the courage to take down my countdown clock!