Not a happy camper - shoppers beware



Long story short. Went on the Mexican Rivera cruise this past Labor Day Week. Took my wife and 3 sons. My oldest decided he wanted to buy a silver chain. Well, the Ship warns you about not buying silver from unknown shops or street vendors so they provide you with a list of stores that they recommened for jewelery shopping. We go shopping to a Carnival recommended store, my son buys his chain, pays $60 and he's a happy camper. A month later he notices that the silver is tarnashing so he takes it to a jewlery shop for cleaning and he learns the bad news. It's not silver, but only plated! He's not a happy camper anymore. Shoppers beware.


Sorry to hear about the difficulties. If you contact Carnival and let them know of the problem, there may be restitution. I know my spouse and I went shopping in St. Thomas and had a problem with a vendor and went to the cruise line who recommended it. We sent the article back to the cruise line, they returned it to the vendor and we received a new item with a letter of apology from the vendor. If nothing else, letting Carnival know may have them remove the questionable vendor from their preferred list. Hope this give a glimmer of hope.


We thought about that, but the problem now is that, we don't have the name of the store nor can find the receipt. I will email Carnival though that this sort of thing does happen, even with trusted merchants.


My wife has been in the jewelry business for over 30 years. Not meaning to come across in the wrong way but there are different lengths in chains, different patterns of the links,different sized links, which add to the total weight, etc. If the chain was anything at all in size, you should have been wary for a price of $ 60.00. A sterling silver chain that is any size at all would be a good deal more than $ 60.00.

As you said, buyers should be wary.


Frito: You are so right. The old saying if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is really rings a bell.

To the OP: I would send Carnival a snail mail to their Guest Relations department. Their address is:

Carnival Cruise Lines
Carnival Place
3655 NW 87 Avenue
Miami, Fl. 33178-2428

Did you charge this purchase? If so, the name of the store will be on your statement.

Good luck


Something else-- if you make a purchase using the stores cruiselines recommend there is a paper that needs to be filled out-for your guarantee
If your son filled out that paper carnival will have the needed information.
If the paper was not filled out your purchase will not be held under the guarantee anyway.