Looks like the Solstice had a notovirus problem. We were on the cruise from Ft Lauderdale from Jan 23 to Jan 30 2011. They delayed boarding to sanitize the ship. We got several notices in our stateroom that there were "some" passengers who got it. There were crew dispensing handsprays at the entrance to all events, they removed all salt and pepper shakers, and they did not allow any self service at the buffets and drink stations. Poor crew members had to work double shifts to man all of those stations.
They told the passengers to advise Medical if they had symptoms, and then they quaranteened those who were diagnosed with the virus to their rooms for 24 hours after giving them a shot. They also diverted their luggage to a separate area to get disinfected when they got off. The longshoremen who unloaded the luggage were wearing surgical masks. One thing for sure. the cruise line takes this seriously and are clearly taking steps to try to contain the outbreaks.
They told the passengers to advise Medical if they had symptoms, and then they quaranteened those who were diagnosed with the virus to their rooms for 24 hours after giving them a shot. They also diverted their luggage to a separate area to get disinfected when they got off. The longshoremen who unloaded the luggage were wearing surgical masks. One thing for sure. the cruise line takes this seriously and are clearly taking steps to try to contain the outbreaks.