Ocho Rios's Dunn River Falls



Wondering if anyone has climbed the Dunn River Falls? I'm far from athletic or co-ordinated and wonder just how hard it really is? Also I read that there are spots where you can get off - are there...how often and "off to what"? A set of stairs or something?? Just concerned about attempting it and not being able to finish it. I also wondeered about making it to the top - how do you get back down to whee the lockers and I assume your transportation is? Also comments I read elsewhere on the web also contain the phrase "if you go on the days that the cruise ships aren't in port it's nice" - well I will be on a cruise ship and wondering if the experience is worthwhile on those days when the crowds will be larger.
Any advice is appreciated


Even if you don't climb the falls, Dunn's River is a must see. I saw people who didn't want to climb just hanging out in the water. Here is how it is set up:

In the locker area, there is a large deck area where the people who don't want to climb hang out and take pics. That is also where the people hang out in the water, which is easily accessible at this point. You can start out climbing the falls there (almost a halfway point) or you can go down the stairs to the beach and start from the beginning. I am not an atletic person either BUT I grew up near a river and was used to climbing on rocks. We started all the way at the beginning. It was strenuous but so much fun, my friend and I wanted to start all over again once we reached the top!:) From the top, I believe we took stairs back to the mid-way locker area.

Tips: we got right off the ship and took a cab directly to Dunn's Falls beating all the "tour groups" so we had the falls pratically all to ourselves. When the guides approached us, we said no thanks and just took our time finding our own way up. Some people prefer, though, having the guides to show them the best route. I believe they just expect a tip.

The "lockers" aren't super secure so I was glad we had a friend with us who decided not to climb to hold our digital cameras, etc. We also bought those things that go around your neck and are a bit waterproof to hold our money, sail and sign cards, etc.

BRING WATER CAMERAS!! The pics you take are worth a million dollars in memories.

WEAR WATER SHOES!! I bought a pair from Wal-Mart and they were brand new when I started up the falls. They took quite a beating from the rocks. Others have suggested wearing those expensive sandals whose name, I believe, starts with a T.

We changed in the changing rooms. Just an outside stall with a cement floor. Not the cleanest place but good if you don't want to hang out in a wet bathing suit.

And my last tip: I went to Jamaica a second time with my hubby and mother. I knew they would not be able to climb the falls so we did not go. I can't tell you how sorry I am. It would have been fine for them to just hang out on the deck or go in the water. I really regret not taking them.

Hope some of this helps. Have a great cruise!!


I am not athletic or that coordinated but I had no problem climbing the falls. This was a few years back when we were on a cruise. We booked a private tour bus through Peat Taylor and went to the falls, Fern Gully and Firefly. It was great because there were only 8 of us in our group and he took us on our own private tours. He had set up a tour guide for us at the Falls and there was another small group that we went with so it wasn't that crowded when we were climbing the falls. There are places for you to get off if you want. There are some spots that can be a little tricky but everyone was so great about helping you up if you needed it. It is quite slippery so do get water shoes. I just bought mine at WalMart and had no problem with them. Once you are at the top there are pathways for you to get back to your lockers. At that time the vendors there were extremely pushy and quite annoying. I don't know if it's still that bad. They were just kind of waiting there at the end of the falls. Please be sure to go. It was a great experience and we got some great pictures of our group on the falls.


We loved the Falls. It was an amazing experience and I'm so glad I did it. I'm not a hiker or really "into" that sort of thing, but we totally had a blast. We also used Peat Taylor (http://www.peattaylor.com/) and we'd use him again if we were to go back. He's a class act.

Water shoes are a must...the rocks are really slippery so you'll need something with traction on the bottom. My husband just wore his Tevas and he was fine, but I don't think I would have felt secure enough that way. (I actually had a friend who sliced her foot at the Falls because she was wearing Teva-ish shoes rather than water shoes.)

I don't think I'd leave my stuff in the lockers. I went to Sports Authority and bought a waterproof case. It has a strap on it that I tied to my bathing suit and it is big enough for my room key, ID, Chapstick and cash. Then, I took a disposable underwater camera, also with a strap - you'll need your hands.

The vendors at the market that's at the top of the falls are VERY, VERY aggresive. I've been to Mexico more than a dozen times and I thought I'd seen it all when it comes to aggressive vendors...but these people made me a little uncomfortable.

So...moral of the story: GO! Use Peat Taylor. Take a water-proof case and camera. Wear water shoes. Brace yourself for the vendors at the top. Have fun.

Donna - dsw

Just got back last week. I also did the Peat Taylor tour - I would suggest you use him - $35.00 for the whole trip.

We did the Falls, Fern Gully and then had Pete drop us off at Margaretville, he then came back 2 hours later and picked us up and took us back to the ship.

Great tour - There really isn't much else in this area.


I've climbed the falls twice. First time it was just my husband and I and we had no problem. There were a lot of people and you are linked to the person in front of you.

Second time we had our two young children with us, ages 9 and 6 at the time, and my parents who were in their late 60's/early 70's. Everyone had a blast and the kids and my parents were all able to climb the falls and enjoy every minute of it.