Wondering if anyone has climbed the Dunn River Falls? I'm far from athletic or co-ordinated and wonder just how hard it really is? Also I read that there are spots where you can get off - are there...how often and "off to what"? A set of stairs or something?? Just concerned about attempting it and not being able to finish it. I also wondeered about making it to the top - how do you get back down to whee the lockers and I assume your transportation is? Also comments I read elsewhere on the web also contain the phrase "if you go on the days that the cruise ships aren't in port it's nice" - well I will be on a cruise ship and wondering if the experience is worthwhile on those days when the crowds will be larger.
Any advice is appreciated
Wondering if anyone has climbed the Dunn River Falls? I'm far from athletic or co-ordinated and wonder just how hard it really is? Also I read that there are spots where you can get off - are there...how often and "off to what"? A set of stairs or something?? Just concerned about attempting it and not being able to finish it. I also wondeered about making it to the top - how do you get back down to whee the lockers and I assume your transportation is? Also comments I read elsewhere on the web also contain the phrase "if you go on the days that the cruise ships aren't in port it's nice" - well I will be on a cruise ship and wondering if the experience is worthwhile on those days when the crowds will be larger.
Any advice is appreciated