I posted this on the community board but thought I might get a better response here. I know Princess automatically tacks on a set amount to your shipboard account to cover tipping. We usually go to the purser and ask to have it removed, as we prefer to give the money to each person directly, to make sure they get the amount we want them to have. However, I've recently heard that the staff prefers that you go with the automatic tipping system, as any money they get directly from a passenger has to to put in with the pooled money. We certainly don't want to short change anyone who serves us so wonderfully, we just thought giving it to them directly would insure they get the right amount of money from us.
Does anyone know for sure if this is they way it works? Would like to know before we leave next week.
Thanks for any insight!
Does anyone know for sure if this is they way it works? Would like to know before we leave next week.
Thanks for any insight!