Online Check-In

  • Thread starter bermudacruiser6307
  • Start date


Hi Everyone,

Since the day I made my final balance for my first cruise on Royal Caribbean's Explorer of the Seas, I have heard from my travel agent about Online- Check. I am a little nervous about it and I am not sure if I should do it. Does it really save time at the terminal/port to filling out papers? Should I just wait and do the paperwork at the terminal so if I have questions, I can ask on the check in employees? Please let me know if you all have used it and your opinions.

Your soon to become an advid cruiser,
Nicholas Smith


We always do the on-line check in. I haven't seen where it's any quicker as long as you have all the paper work filled out and all you other papers together like passport, credit card, etc.



I do understand being leery on entering your vitals over the internet. But I have always done the online check in, and print out a copy as well.

On one sailing, a computer hiccup occurred. I handed them my print out, gave them my CC number and I was on the ship in no time. Instead of standing there waiting for the person to enter everything in.

The online forums are basic questions.

Gayle V

WE always do the on-line check in. Never had any problem with it.

I doubt if doing it saves an individual person all that much time if, like Cybill said, you fill out all the paperwork that comes with your docs, at home before you get to the pier.

Every cruise, you do see a number of people either off to the side, filling in their paperwork. Or they are busily scribbling in the info while holding it against their spouse's back, as the line moves forward. Not the best way.

Once they get up to the desk, it does take a extra minute or two for the embarkation agent to type that stuff into the computer, but it's not going to make that much difference to you.

It would on the other hand, make a tremendous difference, if everyone there did that. If it only increased the processing by one minute per cabin, just work that out:

Approximately 1000 cabins = 1000 minutes. Divided by 60 minutes per hour= over 16 extra hours ! :dizzy

Now that would be one long line ! So eveyone does their bit on their computer at home, and everyone gets on the ship faster.

Gayle V

Oops, I didn't divide those minutes by the number of desks. Assuming about eight or ten, then it's an extra 1 1/2 to two hours. Still, I'd rather not wait that either.

Lady Jag

You really do have to do it. If you don't, it will slow things up when you check in. Also, all the cruise lines have gone to this; they prefer to have your information early for security reasons also.


I am in such a hurry to get on the ship I don't want anything to slow me down.

I always fill out the paperwork on line and also carry a copy with me, just in case. It does speed things up. The sooner I am sitting on deck eating my first cruise lunch, the happier I am!


Like Gayle said, I suppose (1st time too & we did online) it's easier on you. If you do it there & you have squirming kids with you & you are holding a baby, etc. it can be harder on you.


The first time we tried it, I was really nervous - but it worked like charm. We've been doing on line check in for over two years, and I really think it helps speed up the process.


i like to do this you can print out the information and all you have to do is follow the crowd through the line without any hold up you can even do your set sail pass for your on board purchases. it is easy and it does speed things up without looking for paperwork and filling out forms


I have done it with RCC and it worked well. Anything to get through that line a little faster is good!


Do it!!! They send you your baggage tags & get you a pass card.

You put these tags on your luggage at home & then drive in & up to the baggage carts, open trunk & put bags on the carts & drive off. You by pass all the cars with people needing to get out & fill all the paper work in.

They give you the pass cards, they are your room key, your charge card so when you get to your room any credit cards you brought can go in the safe in your room.

Be sure to bring a carry on bag, with your swimming things, or a book, camera & whatever else. Your bags won't be at your room right away so it allows you to start your vacation immediately.

Do read the cruise news newspaper they put in your room, They tell you where to go on the ship for lunch, & what's going on right away.

Just my thoughts


ONline Check-In is the only way to go... makes getting on the cruise ship quick, easy and painless.


How early in advance should one do the online check in?? We leave for cruise on Liberty of the Seas on Oct. 6, is it so early to do it now?

Gayle V

Hello bpmac112166,

I see no reason to wait. We're cruising on the Enchantment in November. I filled out ours right after making our booking in April, and printed out the Set Sail Pass weeks ago.

Lady Jag

Do it now, don't wait. We already did ours for our January cruise! You can always go back and update information if necessary - up until a certain point anyway (I think it's a few days before sailing.