Oscar and the Dr Parade - - -

Gramma Ann

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well we made it through another day here :doubleup:.

He has 3 doctors, and I only remember 2 of their names, an internist, pediatric dr and pulmonolagest ( please excuse the spelling :madd:) So far his primary care dr has not made it in to see him.

Today we found out he has two breaks on the left, one above the knee, and one below the knee. He kept telling everyone he thought it was broken, so they finally found them on the x-rays. Today he received his full leg braces. Now that was something I hope never to go thru again. Every single move with his leg he would scream with pain. The poor nurses/PT tech were nearly in tears, and visably shaken. We wont go into the bed pan ordeal!!!:(

Orthapedist says no surgery, Oscars bones are so soft the pins would not hold. Our best chance is just to let them heal on their own. So when he can leave the hospital, he will head for a rehab center. I would not be able to take care of him in this condition - well DUH! Plus his pain meds - Morphene with a Hydrocodone chaser - - - - !!! I can give shots, but not qualified for narcotics.

I'm home for the night, and will return in the morning. The hospital is about 5 miles from our house, so very easy to get to thank goodness.

A big thank you all for the outpouring of good wishes and prayers. It means the world to Oscar and I both.

Talk again later


Staff Captain
So sorry you 2 are going thru this. And believe me when I say BOTH of you. I know Oscar is the 1 injured but from my own experience I know how hard it is for the spouse when things like this happen. Hopefully he will heal fast & be out of rehab soon & back home soon.


Staff Captain
Glad that they have started treatment. And good that he will be released to rehab rather than home. Much easier on everyone that way. Been there done that! But what a long day for you both. Hope that you can get a good rest tonight.



1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Prayers for a speedy recovery.


Staff Captain
I hope all goes smoothly for both of you.


Safety Officer
Gramma Ann.....as a nurse who has taken care of many patients in Oscar's state......all I can say is rest yourself, it is going to be a long journey. Hopefully the braces will stabilize his legs and the pain meds kick in so he will be able to better tolerate the repositioning needed to see to his personal needs. And maybe it is time to strap him into his chair/scooter!:doubleup: (with a self release seat belt!)


Forever Remembered
Gramma Ann - I shudder reading about Oscar's ordeal...and yours. Having had both knees replaced, I know about leg/knee pain and having to take heavy-duty pain meds (post-op) - as painful as it was, I don't think it begins to compare with what you've describe. I empathyze with what Oscar is going through...he and you are in my prayers.


1st Officer - Navigation
Many prayers continued from here. So sorry to hear it was such an ordeal today but hope the following days each get better as things progress.



Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Ann and Oscar, my heart just breaks that you both have to go through this....I can't even begin to imagine the pain this must be causing Oscar. Know we are here for you keeping you both in our prayers. Thanks for the update.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
You have our prayers to get you both through this difficult time.

Be sure that you rest yourself.

Glad your hospital is close to your home.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
So soory that you both had such an awful day. May each day get better from here on out.
Ann be sure to get your rest too, you can't be much help without it.
Prayers & well wishes continue from hee in MN.


Staff Captain
My goodness, that poor fellow is suffering. I hope he had a restful night (as restful as possible) and I am sorry he has to be on such strong medication. I don't even know if I could handle morphine and hydrocodone at the same time.

You take care of yourself as well and we are here for you! (((HUGS)))


1st Officer - Navigation
Ann and Oscar.......I am so sorry to read that Oscar is having such difficulties. Sending good thoughts to both of you.


Ann and Oscar sorry to hear that evereything is so rough on your both. Glad you are looking at extended care and rehab. I made the mistake of not encouraging Paw to go a few years ago know now it wou7ld have been best for both of us. Sending lots of prayers for ciomfort and quick healing.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
Hugs ,prayers, and heal up thoughts from here as well..please take good care for yourself too..it's a longggg road to recovery..:(..keep us updated as it works..Joanne