Oscar's Brother Richard

Gramma Ann

Environmental Compliance Officer
On August 19th we received a call from Oscar's sister in law. It appeared that Richard was having a major heart attack. To make a long story short, they got him to the little county hospital where they put him in a care flight helicopter and flew him here to Ft Worth. They discovered he had a "Dissecting Aeortic Aneurism" ( please excuse the spelling ). It was about 20 hrs before the decision was made to try surgery. The tear was from his caroited artery all the way to his lower abdomen. His kidneys failed, liver continues to loose function etc. Yestereday the neurologist said there was virtuallly no brain activity.

So now Elaine must make the decision to let him go. He has a living will and the directivtes state he is not to be kept alive on machines. So now we face how Oscar's mother takes the news. We will be going to her house later today to be with her when we give her the news. Her health is not real good at the best, so sure hope we dont loose her also.

I'm sure we will be quite busy for a while, so I'll post as I'm able.

Just wanted to let everyone know what is going on.

Thanks for listening.


Staff Captain
My prayers go with you during this very difficult time.


Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
hugs, love, and prayers from here Ann..I so know this road for sure..

sigh..take care of you and Oscar too...I'll be back for updates...XXOO Joanne


Safety Officer
I'm so so sorry to hear this. My prayers to you, Richard, Oscar, and all the family.


Forever Remembered
What a sad and difficult time for you, Oscar and the family. Please know that my prayers are with you. May whatever is left of Richard's life be peaceful.


Staff Captain
I'm so sorry your family has to go thru this difficult journey. Prayers on the way.


Environmental Compliance Officer
I'm so sorry, I know who difficult a decision it is. I had to make this decision also. I was so worried how my dh's mother was going to do and she did alot better than I thought she would. I hope this is the case with Oscar's mother. I will be praying for everyone.


Staff Captain
So sorry to hear this sad news. We had to make this decision some yrs ago with my stepfather so I know how difficult it is for the entire family.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
So very sorry your family is going through this difficult time. Prayers that his mom that she is able to carry this burden.


1st Officer - Navigation
Many difficult decisions to be made......sending your whole family good thoughts for the courage to do what may be the only real choice.


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
May you and your family have the strength to handle the difficult decisions ahead.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Oh Ann, so sorry to hear this.....thoughts and prayers to the whole family in the difficult days ahead.


Staff Captain
I'm so sorry your family must face this incredibly difficult decision. Prayers are headed your way as you deal with the decisions.

Gramma Ann

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well, We feel like we're on a roller coaster. One dr says insufficient brain activity to sustain life. Another says nopt enough time has passed to make an exact determination. Still NO kidney function, and no intestine function so far. So now we are back to a wait time. Elaine is going to wait until tuesday and have a conference will all his doctors so she can ask questions and hopefully get a united answer.

She has placed him on a DNR. If he survives until Tuesday but has no better results, she will then request the machines be removed.

He will raise his hand if he has his arm pinched by Dr, and will open his eyes on command. Yet the Neurologist says that is involuntary??? A second neurologist is being called in for a second opinion. She is about on her last link, and ready to send the world away. All we can do is support her in her decision.

This is SO hard.


2nd Officer
Our thoughts and prayers join all the others keeping you close to their heart. May God grant you peace as decisions are made in the days ahead.



Sending out hugs and sympathy to you and Oscar. Very hard to live thru these roller coaster poroblems.