Cruise cutie
=lolgang.. I have a 6 quart Crock slow cooker.. and it has been my best buddy for about 8 years.. but it's had a tough life, and it'll get donated to one of my DD's..so Mark said.. why don't you just get another.. and I did.. with HIS checkbook!!..hehehe.. but I have a silly issue..., the new crock I got which is simply divine..a new updated better version of my "old Faithful" . .. it came with a BIG crock pot recipes book which I simply do not want/need...but I hate to just toss it, and I have a TON of recipes, and books already.. and use them ..BUT this is nice and easy recipes.. but I don't need it.. any takers??...post here...or PM me ,and I'll gladly send it to you...:grin..Joanne