Our Buck will be heading to Rainbow Bridge today


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
I spoke to the vet about an hour ago and we've come to the conclusion that Buck's time has come to make the trip to Rainbow Bridge. My heart is breaking. I am waiting for their office to call me back....I am putting on my big girl panties and I am going up to the office to be there....though he loves the staff I just think Bill or I need to be there...they just called as I was typing....4:30.....I've been crying all afternoon.


Safety Officer

We love our furbabies and we do what is best for them, you and Leatherneck are wonderful parents.
My heart is hurting for you both :bawl:


Forever Remembered
Denise - I replied to your later post, but always try to remember that you did the ultimate and most unselfish kindness for Buck.

Nevertheless, I know the devastation this day brings with it.


Mary Ann