Our Cabin ( errr - Castle )

Gramma Ann

Environmental Compliance Officer
I was playing around last night, and typed in "Grand Princess Cabin Pictures". Looking through them there was cabin E717!! It is huge!! 2 TV's, wetbar, entry way, huge sleeping area. He and I will be rattling around in there!

I don't know how to do a link, or I'd post it. Now I'm really getting anxious. :clap::clap:

red stripe

Staff Captain
Ann, if you can go back to that site and highlight the "Http://www. address in the top bar, and then copy it and paste it in your post, I will do the rest. I typed in what you had, but it brought up so many sites that mentioned it, I just do not have enough time right now to open all of them and look for the photos.


Staff Captain
Looks like we know where the Garbage Pail Party will be. :biggrin:


Staff Captain
My mouth is watering and I am drooling!! You two enjoy that awesome, awesome space...you deserve it!! :doubleup:


Staff Captain
Thats the sweetest looking inside cabin I have EVER seen. :doubleup: Enjoy the castle U Two as I think U two should be able to handle it for 14 Nights. :boogie: