Passport Required in BELIZE?



Hello all! I am leaving on the Paradise on December 14th. I had been told by Carnival and my TA that my boyfriend just having a Birth certificate would be just fine. I have a passport, but our vacation snuck up on us too quick to get his passport in time. I know that you can get one expidited for $150++ dollars, but we can't really afford that, so we were just going to take his birth certificate. I read on one of the other topics that Belize now requires you to have a this true? We are also going to Roatan , Cozmel, ad Grand Cayman. Do I have to pay all that money to get a passport for my boyfrined? I am now i panic mode...Please help!!!


Not so. Just a driver's license and copy of birth certificate with a raised seal on it will suffice. I leave my passport in the cabin safe and carry my license and a photocopy of my passport.


The below are copied and pasted from 2 different web sites.

Belize Passport Requirements
The Belize Government requires that non-Belize citizens of all ages must carry a valid passport for travel to Belize. A certified birth certificate and drivers license is not sufficient. The Passport must be valid for at least 6 months after arrival date in Belize. No visas are required for U.S., U.K. and Canada citizens and these countries also maintain embassy's in Belize. Most other countries require visas.

BELIZE Passport/Visa

Passport Required?Visa Required?Return Ticket Required?BritishYesNoYesAustralianYesNoYesCanadianYesNoYesUSAYesNoYesOtherEUYesNoYesJapaneseYesYesYes

PASSPORTS: Passport valid for 6 months beyond the intended length of stay required by all.


I found this site and it does say you need a passport . ......But maybe you can post the passport ? on the community board and see if anyone just returned from Belize and can say for sure.

Post Edited (11-22-03 18:44)


I think all countries that don't share a common border require a passport for an extended[ overnight or more?] stay. At least officially. In reality if you have many pictures of dead US Presidents, you are welcome in tourist dependent countries.
None of the cruiselines require you have a passport for Belize, they only require that you have proof of US citizenship or the proper documents from wherever so you can reenter the US at the end of the cruise. Otherwise Homeland Security wouldn't let you off the ship and the cruiseline would be stuck with you onboard forever. Hmmmmmmmm


We were in Belize in July. Whereas we had our passports, they remained locked up in the room safe the entire trip. We did not need a passport to exit or reboard our ship. I'm guessing that if you were doing extensive travel within Belize, had an encounter with the police, etc. you would need a passport. Most probably, your boyfriend doesn't need his passport. The question is, "Are you going to be worrying about it so much that it will affect your ability to have a good time on your cruise?" If the answer is yes, then by all means go ahead and spend the money to get his passport and put your mind at ease. Yeah, $150 is a good bit of money, but you should be able to enjoy your time on your cruise without worrying about something like this. Look on the bright side, if he does get his passport, it will make it that much easier to go on another cruise sooner (i.e., one less thing to worry about)!!!!



No passport is required as long as the ship is in port. If you miss the ship, then you are in trouble; in more ways than one.


OK, I have to eat my words. I just got an email reply from the Belize Government -- Department of Immigration and YES INDEED, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PASSPORT there even if you are on a cruise.


OMG, your kidding??? We are leaving in 17 days, and the couple going w/ us don't have a passport.

I doubt they'd be able to get one this close, that is just stupid, how come CARNIVAL doesn't make this clear????


OK, let's deal with reality. Read Dan40's post and you will get a feel for just that. The cruise lines do NOT require you to have a passport to leave the ship in Belize. No one in Belize will ask to see your passport, but they will be more than happy to see your greenbacks. Were these not the facts, trust me, the cruiseline would not allow you to go ashore in Belize!


Thanks to everyone. I am not going to have the time or the money to get a pass port for him, so this is reassuring!