


My wife and I are sailing on the Elation Nov 2nd. Will we need passports to get off the ship when we dock at Cozumel, Belize, and Progresso?


You do not need passports, but they are much more convenient than carrying your birth certificate and photo ID. And the way security is constantly being tightened, you may see a shift to passports only in the future (albeit that's probably years away).

Cruisin Gal

If you take your passport...DO NOT take it off the ship. Just leave it in your safe. Make sure you take your sign and sail card as you'll need it to get on and off...and make sure you take either a credit card or cash with you to spend.

When you go to Cozumel and Progresso...walk around to the back streets to'll get better prices. I needed to get some Vanilla extract to take home for gifts and in the front markets...they cost $5.00 American and on the back streets I got the same amount for 50 cents American!

I also wanted to buy some leather bags...that look like athletic bags with the pockets on the ends and side flaps...only much smaller --about 13 inches long. At the markets they cost about $30 American...I get them on the back streets for $12.

If you want to eat some local NOT buy it off the street vendors...go to one of the resturants. Also, many people tell you not the drink the water in Mexico...and that's good advice, but remember to not drink anything that has ice in it either!

Coca Cola in Mexico tastes better than Coke in the states. I was told it's the sweetner they use in the bottling. Anyway, I'm not much of a Coke drinker, but I do like it in Cozumel and Progresso. Also if you have lunch in Cozumel at a restuarant...the tacos there are not anything like the tacos in the states. The Yukatan food is much different than food from Western Mexico. I happen to like it better.

Have fun...hope I didn't give you too much information...but I like all the info and input from everyone who has some experiences to share. Some of it you'll agree with...and some you won't. But someone will always find something useful with what you have to share!

Bon Voyage!


One more advice.....
When you do go to the side streets, never go alone....It is safer to go on the main streets than the side streets.
I remember I was told this when I took my first cruise with Carnival.....This was one of their main topics during their port talks in the showroom. It is safety in numbers as they say....
Enjoy your cruise,


Thanks for all the valuable info. This is our first cruise and we need all the help we can get. Thanks again


Cruisin Gal

Have fun...and be safe...swim with a buddy...and walk around town with a buddy.

Remember when you get into Cozumel, the time is 1 hour behind East Coast unless otherwise informed ...when the Captain says to be back on board at 3pm..he means SHIP time. As they will tell you at orientation on the first day's not a nice site for you to be seeing the stern of your ship as you stand on shore and your ship is sailing off on the horizon!

One more thing...if you go to Carlos and Charlies. (I think is the name of the place) ..take it easy on the yard long Margaritas....if you don't...what you'll be feeling around dinner time on the ship won't be seasickness! LOL