Please pray again for Pucci


Forever Remembered
As some my remember, Pucci was stung by a scorpion a few weeks back.

We run several blood tests regularly on Pucci - about 4-5 weeks ago, his protein-bun-creatinine ratio was high, as were a few other readings. We adjusted his meds, and there was a slight possibility that his readings were a result of the scorpion sting. Another blood panel was done on Pucci yesterday, hoping his readings would be lower - his protein-bun-creatinine readings were higher, pancreas is higher, he's now showing some elevated liver enzyme readings, wbc is somewhat elevated. :bawl: His Vet is consulting with a Specialist and will call me back later today or tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm a basket case.

I would very much appreciate some prayers for my little sweetie. Thank you.

Mary Ann


Staff Captain
So sorry to hear that Pucci is not well. Lacey sends some woofs & friendly licks that he feels better soon. And hugs to his Mama.

Alf & Liz


Trivia Specialist
Hugs, hugs, hugs for you! ..... and loads and loads of prayers and special skritches for Pucci!!

Do keep us updated please...I worry too!


Forever Remembered
Thank you so much. We're starting Pucci on two antibiotics - one is exactly the same as one of the antibiotics prescribed for me when I was discharged from the hospital with the leg infection, and the other one is in the same family as the second antibiotic prescribed for me. Talk about coincidence!!! We're going to re-test Pucci in two weeks.

Again, thank you for any prayers you can spare for my little guy. He's 12-1/2 years old. I know Alf/Liz and Beryl have beloved dogs, so you can understand my concern.

Mary Ann


Staff Captain
Frasier and his humans send thoughts, prayers, and concern. Frasier said to tell Pucci to have faith in the veterinarians, and to also give his Mama some extra love as our humans get very worried about us.

Lisa, Neil, PizzaBoy, and Frasier


Staff Captain
Oh Mary Ann, I can completely understand your worry. I'm glad that they are starting an antibiotic, and Pucci is in my prayers. Chloe, Harley and Lily say that woofs are on the way that Pucci feels better soon. I will pray for good lab results after the antibiotic course. In fact, I will start a novena for him tonight. Jim and I send our biggest hugs to you as well.


Forever Remembered
Thank you, Lisa, Neil, PizzaBoy and Frasier, as well as Bev, Jim, Chloe, Harley and Lily.

I must admit the news knocked the sails out of me - I wasn't expecting this news. Not only were Pucci's readings higher than his tests in early July but other readings that were within normal range then are now out of range (high).

I appreciate your prayers and good wishes. I'm going to leave the office "early" tonight to devote undivided attention to Pucci.

Mary Ann


1st Officer - Navigation
Just got home from work and read the board. I am so distressed for both you and Pucci. Many prayers from here and that the antibotics work fast and well. My 4 say hang in there and get better. Love Susan


Staff Captain
Oh, no! This is certainly NOT what we were expecting! Let's hope the antibiotics do their job rapidly and make our furry little boy and his devoted Mama feel lots better soon. Tail wags and get better chirps are headed your way along with our prayers.


Captain Weather
I'm so sorry about my furry nephew. Hopefully, the meds will work and bring down those high blood levels. Of course, prayers and positive thoughts are coming your, and his, way.



Staff Captain
So sorry to read this, Mary Ann...

I hope those antibiotics kick in and get those levels back to normal.

Hugs and prayers for Pucci...


Staff Captain
Mary Ann, so sorry to see this here. Let's hope the antibiotics do the trick and bring all the levels back to normal. I'll say a prayer now and another one at Mass later today. Zsa Zsa sends gentle chuffs and tail wags. Please give Pucci some gently scritches from me.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation

I feel for you. My daddy just told me what's going on and I'm really wurried. Going through something similar myself. Sending many doggie prayers for a swift diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Please keep me informed ...



2nd Officer
Whether it is a child or a pet, they are both beloved to those who love them. And blood tests I know too well. I know what your baby means to you as you knew what Elliott means to me. I will ask my angel for a little help on this one. You have always been there for us. Take care my friend. HOPE is a good thing to have.