Please read Cruise @ddicts forum Terms Of Use & Posting Guidelines



Cruise @ddicts forum Terms Of Use & Posting Guidelines

Welcome to Cruise @ddicts!

This is a community of like minded people who love to cruise and can all benefit from the exchange of advice that takes place here, and we consider ourselves a wide spot on the internet just for this purpose. Our forum boards are a cooperative effort and depend on all of you to make it work well. If you post questions, please try to take the time to answer questions as well, if you can be of help. Also, post on topic within a thread, it makes it easier for others to focus on the conversation, If you wish to wander off, feel free to start a new thread.

Cruise @ddicts is an open forum, visited and contributed to by many different people not associated with Cruise @ddicts in any way. Information within news and informational articles as well as topics posted on forums within Cruise @ddicts is solely the ideas and impressions of the individual authors and posters and Cruise @ddicts and its associates make no claims and are in no way responsible for the validaty or accuracy of any content. Individuals should excercise due caution before taking action based on any information written or posted within Cruise @ddicts and are solely responsible for their own actions. Cruise @ddicts is not responsible for any inaccuracy, whether intentional or unintentional, within the Cruise @ddicts Website. We are mearly the vehicle and mechanics, we are not the driver.

Please use common sense and good judgment in posting your message.
As the following are subject to removal at any time.

* Flaming, discriminatory or defimating postings, harassment of other participants, or any other posting intended to disrupt the board.

* Advertising/soliciting of any kind, including "As seen on TV"

* spamming; no intentional multiple postings, unless your saying what a great place Cruise @ddicts is.

* Pyramid or money-making schemes, we are already rich beyond our dreams.

* Profanity, vulgar or inappropriate language of any kind, except (&$#%* Lynn might say that)

* Copyrighted material. Please post only a highlite and a link to the original article.

* Discussion or promotion of any illegal activities. But I am looking for a 2002 Mercedes for under $500

Cruise @ddicts is a moderated community and reserves the right to determine what is appropriate content for our online community and will remove any posting deemed inappropriate, offensive or disruptive to the community. We may not remove particular messages immediately, but we make every effort to keep offensive and disruptive content at an absolute minimum.

Above all, this is your community. Help us to make this a fun, safe enjoyable place to visit and great source of information for yourself and fellow cruisers.


Trolls and harrasment

The harassment of our members is not allowed.
Cruise @ddicts is committed to providing an online environment that is as free as possible from harassing postings. Please, don't attack another poster personally. Do not harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another member that is unwanted, do not attack their race, heritage, beliefs, etc. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. Postings of this nature will be removed from the forums.

We are not Troll friendly
Postings that have been placed on the boards to disrupt the flow of conversation will be removed, this includes but is not limited to, direct personal attacks on an individual or towards a Cruise @ddicts forum. Postings within a thread that may not be related in any way to the thread. Postings from a known troll or constanty disruptive poster. Postings that are intended to instill or generete disruptive non constructive conversation or fuel argumentive posting without adding any valuable content.

Multiple occurances of harassment, flaming or troll like activity may result in your loss of posting privileges on our message boards.


Cruise and travel professionals

Cruise professionals, travel agents and tour operators (including their associates, employees or designated representative) are encouraged to participate in the discussions on the forum boards and establish themselves by responding to members' inquiries with useful answers. In doing so, you are welcome to sign your name and note that you are a travel professional. You may not list your phone number, business location, web site address, contact info or e-mail address. Responding to members' inquiries on the boards with an ad for your services is not allowed and will be subject to removal of the entire response.
You may offer your services via private E-mail to members who have specifically requested such information or services. However, you should understand that unsolicited marketing mailings are considered a breach of Internet etiquette and against Cruise @ddicts policy and are usually not looked upon favorably by its recipient. Also Cruise @ddicts considers requests to be e-mailed for additional information as soliciting and those postings are subject to removal.

Cruise professionals, travel agents and tour operators (including their associates, employees or designated representative) may not list or refer members to their Web sites. There are areas where advertising may be purchased or there is a link section were you may request that a link to your business be placed at no charge.


Profanity, vulgar or inappropriate language

This community is very tolerant of many things and with due respect many things are let go to some extent. But when users do complain it obviously has become a significant problem that needs to be addressed. This is at heart a cruise forum, jokes and comments concerning sexual acts, ethnic slams or other questionable material are not something everyone comes here for or will enjoy reading. What seems to be funny and non offensive to one person can be quite the opposite to another. We simply ask that you use prudent judgement and common sense in your posting. If it is deemed well over the line of being appropriate or there are several complaints it will be removed. It is not a personal attack, it is just exercising good taste. If it is a joke or a comment that you wouldn't make at the dinner table then it probably doesn't belong here.


Advertising and soliciting

Cruise @ddicts guidelines prohibit direct advertising, commercial sales and solicitation posts on all of our message boards. Our forum Boards are meant to be an exchange of advice and tips where cruisers can talk about their travels and interests and not a marketplace for advertising and selling services.

Cruise @ddicts defines advertising as an individual or company's attempt to generate business or other commercial for profit enterprise, either directly or indirectly, through the use of our forum Boards. Solicitation includes, but is not limited to, requests to be e-mailed, the posting of phone numbers for your business, and the the referring to or posting of one's Web site address.

Also, although third-party recommendations are very important to message boards, when, in the sole opinion of the message board staff, those public postings are too commercial or promotional in tone, excessive in quantity or if there is reason to suspect that they are posted by the agent themselves, an associate, or under cover of "alias" screen names, such postings are subject to removal. While we welcome the recommendation of your personal travel or cruise agent, they MUST be in response to a request for such information, and they must NOT contain contact information of any kind.

Cruise @ddicts message board staff reserves the right to approve or deny links which lead directly to or link to cruise-related or non cruise-related material that is not in the best interest of the community. This does not mean these links will be removed, but rather individually reviewed or acted upon.


It is not the intent of Cruise @ddicts to control the content of an individuals post, but instead to maintain a clean, safe, non-disruptive environment for the members of the community, therefor posts will not be edited, but rather are subject to complete removal if they violate guidelines. A persons thoughts, ideas and opinions are always valued and appreciated, but keep in mind that they are only of value if they are constructive and contribute in an effective way to the conversation at hand. If you are going to criticize, fine, but criticize in an honest constructive manner. Telling someone they are full of crap is one thing, but telling them they are full of crap because [fact] [fact] [fact] is quite another. We don't have a problem with the second method, we do the first.

If you think that a post has been improperly removed, feel free to contact the at any time. Keep in mind that your seriousness will dictate the level of response, so using a return email address of will probably generate less concern than If you are on the internet you have a ligitimate internet provider, thus you have a ligitamite isp provided email address, USE IT, if you wish to communicate in a professional manner with the administration of the Cruise @ddicts

These guidelines are updated on a regular basis to reflect changes and advancements of the forum boards and are thus subject to change at any time. Changes will become effective immediately.

Your consideration is appreciated, plus it makes for a more
enjoyable forum


dress during sea days

I see all kinds of postings on men's attire, but I'm having a heck of a time planning clothes for me - a woman! I'll be on the Millenium sailing Oct. 25 for the 12 Med. cruise. I've always done warm weather beach cruises where I took just bathing suits, shorts, etc. for the at sea days.
I'm assuming that that there is no need for a bathing suit in late Oct - early Nov? According to what I've read, it will be Fall weather. What is appropriate during the at sea days - jeans, jogging pants, sweats, just normal casual clothes? Packing is the part of traveling that I hate!