


thank you for your lovely reply,I wish my friend could go on disibility,is there someone she needs to go to to see if she qualifys,so glad your stepdaughter is managing hers,in answer to your question her doctor is a great doctor but not so good on the bedside manner,lots of big words and what will happen if she doesnt have the surgery but no real answer on side effects ect,we all told her to get a 2nd opinion it couldnt hurt, and so sorry this affected your son as well. Her sisters are trying to convince her to do the surgery but they live in another state and want me to tell her to do it,I am remaining on the fence on this one,I told her from what I understood it would help but its her decision,again you have been a big help Sweetie and I appreciate the long private pm,you are a angel!


When I went on disability my doctor had the forms, but I could have gone online to get them as well. You need the physician to fill out his part, which states the specifics of the medical problem, & how long the expected time frame would be for the disability. then you need to find all of your pay stubs because there is a chart that has your income from a specific quarter and you find which category you fall into, which you enter on the form. Just be sure to keep copies of everything submitted to any agency. Please know that the check is not much, but it might help keep the lights and phone turned on.

Hugs, Mariposa


Korina, applying for disability is a long dren out process. Go to www.ssa.gov and check the SSD section. The key is to fill out the paperwork down to the last dots on the "i's". and get as many doctors as you can to support the application. .A friend of mine helped me with my application. She really knows her stuff. Only 30% are accepted the first time, but you can appeal.


I don't know how it works in the states as we are Canadian and she went through her doctor. If she does apply, make sure she crosses all the T's and dots all the I's! It is always good to get another opinion but from what I have seen and heard of this affliction, sometimes an operation is necessary.
There was a website years ago that Kim used. I don't know if it is still operating but I will check with her. But as I mentioned, each case seems to be totally different.
Good luck.



I just got a reply from step-daughter re the web site. It is crohnsdiseases.info
She also says there are other sites. And she says that you need to remember that not all Crohns is not the same with each person.



Thanks for the proper spelling,I have been trying to google it with no results,we went thru her cupboards about a hour ago,threw out her peanuts,popcorn,got rid of her celery,weeded out her red meat,I am learning a lot about this disease,tell your daughter big thanks for the information,that was sweet of her.


My brother suffers from Chrons. It took a heck of a long time before they finally diagnosed him. Since this can be such a long drawn out process to return to good health again it is important that she gets all the help that she is entitled to. There are lawyers that specialize in disability cases because the disability department's reputation for turning folks down is so well known. Keep us posted OK?

Hugs, Mariposa