Port of Vancouver. Cruise Season Begins + problems??



The first ship of the season HAL's Amsterdam is here after Victoria yesterday. This ship is not doing Alaska but leaving for the East . As some might be aware there is a strike on the BC coast by the Canadian Merchant Service Guild. (read tug boat captains) These guys bring the fuel and service barges to the cruise ships. I quote the Port of Vancouver web site below.

"The inner harbour is currently experiencing minimal delays. Ship docking services at Roberts Bank have been affected by the dispute. The Pacific Pilotage Authority is accepting individual requests for service at Roberts Bank (Westshore and Deltaport). Please check this section regularly for updates."

I guess there has been no problem yet. Main Alaska service starts Sunday the 2nd of May. Cross your fingers.


23 APR
Press this am indicates that the Union exec. has agreed to a recommendation by mediator. Bosses have yet to say. Fingers are crossed.

HOWEVER the "Council of Marine Carriers" says the Cruise Industry is NOT effected anyways. There is a supplier of tugs and barges to service the ships not involved in the dispute to service with fuel etc etc. The ships of course do not need tugs to dock here. They could have told us that sooner I think. Hal's Amsterdam was in and out yesterday with no problems.