Positive thoughts wanted please


Safety Officer
For Morris my 14+ year old furbaby. He has hip dysplasia and a bad disc in his back. We decided after talking with our vet last year not to do any surgery due to his age and the fact he has several problems plus mild doggie dementia.
He is quite wobbly on his hind legs but he manages ok but this weekend he could hardly hold his 'back end' up, his knees were slowly bending as though they couldn't take his weight :(
I was dreading he may have to go to the vets for the last time, I didn't want to have to take him the emergency vets who don't know him and are terrible anyway.:doubledown:
(I did speak with our Vet yesterday about this)
Morris is a big dog but he is always scared at the vets no matter why he is there, he shakes and shivers, and pants frantically. They all have a giggle at him at the vets office.
I am searching for a vet who will do a home visit but most are in downtown Charleston and not sure they will trek out 40 mins to see us.
My hubby is going away for a few days tomorrow so that is a worry too as I don't want to have to do 'this' on my own if it does comes to that. :(
So any prayers and positive thoughts for Morris would be appreciated. I am so upset as I can hardly see the keyboard.:bawl:
Thanks to everyone.

PS I should add I will do whatever is best for Moz no matter how hard it is for me.


Staff Captain
Barbark - I hope you find a vet who will home visit. Our big black lab hated the vets as well and would just shake and tremble and pee on the floor when we took her over there. I don't understand it either as she only ever had the one vet and they are the kindest people. :smile:

Our across the street neighbor bought a sling for the backend of her very old shepard. It looks like one of those kiddie leashes...she hooks it on and brings her out to do her business, or just to bring her outside for fresh air...and it works fine. Maybe your vet has something like that?

Best of wishes to you and to Morris.


Safety Officer
Corky I have one of those but at present I just try to use a towel to help him but he won't let me :biggrin:
I think he manages ok just now so that's why he won't accept help.
The thing is it's a disc not hips and basically his spinal column is being trapped. We took him to my chiropractor before but I think it is too far damaged now because of his age. I will probably speak with my Chiropractor tomorrow to ask his opinion. He has adjusted Morris for free, he is a dog lover too!


Staff Captain
Barbara, I'm so sorry to hear that Morris is not doing well....You are doing all you can, and he knows how much you care for him.

Prayers for Morris and you, too...


Staff Captain
Barbara, I am so sorry Morris is having problems. We had a cocker spaniel that got old and had what I called doggy Alzhiemer's. Hopefully the chiropractor can help Morris for a little relief. If you have to make a difficult choice at least you are doing it with love for your beloved friend. It's never easy when the time comes and it's often a difficult decision that takes time to reach. You will know when it is the right time like we have with our beloved furbabies that have gone to the rainbow bridge. (((HUGS)))


Trivia Specialist
I'm thinking good thoughts for Morris and for you! Hugs to you and very special skritches to your much loved furbaby!!


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Ahoy Barb,

It's the hardest decision we have to make, but it's often the best. When it was time for Casey to cross the bridge, the big, bad, ex-combat vet cried like a baby .... and I'll do it again when it's Cody's turn ...

Prayers, of course, for Morris and for you.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Oh Barb, our love for our fur babies makes it so difficult to deal with issues like these, but they do drive us to make the right decisions. I am praying you don't have to make that decision immediately, and that you find some way to help Moz feel better for a little while longer.


Staff Captain
Best wishes for both of you. I know how hard it is to want to help, but just can't.


Safety Officer
Hugs and good thoughts headed your way!


Safety Officer
Morning everyone. Sorry I haven't been back to post just been busy with one thing or another. Morris is hanging in there, he isn't any worse thank goodness. We have stopped him jumping onto his favourite chair which wasn't very high but jumping will worsen his disc problem, of course he isn't happy with us for doing that and gives us the 'sad eyed' look. :(
I increased his pain meds after talking with his vet.
I took him to my chiropractor on Tuesday and I am taking him back today. He is such a good boy when he is there, and of course they all love him!:sunny:
Now we have Lizzie the beagle mix to worry about she is about 12yrs old. She had her teeth cleaned on Tuesday and they found her lymph glands deep in her neck are VERY enlarged :(
The vet took samples, the cells looked ok under the microscope. She started her on 2 weeks of antibiotics as a precaution and wants to see her in 2 weeks to see how her glands are, she could have lymphoma :doubledown:
So can you keep Lizzie in your thoughts along with Moz please, thanks again everyone!