Prayers for strength for my sweet friend.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
My dear sweet friend Angela has terminal brain cancer, but by fighting hard, she's lived years longer then they first told her she would. One of the things she fights with is chemo. She's probably had chemo 15 times in 5 years.

And now she to have chemo again.

A round of this chemo will be 2x a week, then a week off. Then 2x the next week, then a week off. That's one round. She has to have 6 rounds of this chemo, for the next 24 weeks.

I don't know how she does this, but prayers for strength to help her keep doing it would be a wonderful gift from your heart.

I know she would love to see her 10 yr old turn 11 in November.


Staff Captain
Prayers that she makes it to her son's birthday.


Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
She is a trooper to go through all that for so many years.

Prayers that she will be with her son for his 11th birthday.


Environmental Compliance Officer
Glo, you can count on our prayers as well.

Judi & Mal


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Thanks friends. You all will be praying way too hard, though, if her little Lauren turns into a Lawrence. Lauren has no idea her mom has cancer; she's seen her go into the hospital since she was 5, but just thinks she is sick but not knowing exactly what it is.

Ang just found out that the reason for her sudden hearing loss is a mass. Unknown if it's a tumor or a blood clot, and they can't operate.

It's horrible what she goes through.


1st Officer - Navigation
Sending tons of strength to Angela.......She will make that November goal with sheer determination.....but a few extra good thoughts can surely help!


Staff Captain
Wishing the very best for your friend & her daughter. I have an idea of what she is going thru as many yrs ago my cousin had a little boy that died from brain cancer at the age of 6 after a 2yr battle. He went thru 3 brain surgeries, many rounds of chemo & radiation but in the end that tiny little body just couldn't fight any more.

My mother lived close to them & saw what he went thru so when she was diagnosed with breast cancer several yrs later, she had surgery but refused chemo/radiation. I didn't try to influence her decision but in my heart I really wanted her to try to fight it with everything they could.

Over the yrs, you have to hold onto the hope that the meds are better & the treatments are better & the drs are wiser at fighting cancer. From the bottom of my heart I sincerely hope that your friend does not give up the fight & that she will live to see her daughter head off to college. Miracles do happen & I hope there is 1 out there for her.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Kathy, your post made me cry. I can not imagine watching your sweet child die. Even as an adult, if my daughter died, I can't imagine the tear in my heart. It would last forever.

Angela started chemo today. Her days are Thurs and Fri, every other week. Thursday's bag is so awful and miserable they will put her out for the entire procedure, heavily sedated. But Friday's cocktail is full of steroids (if I understand that correctly) and she'll be bouncing off the walls. I know from too many past experiences with her that I will be getting text messages all day long! (Which I don't mind at all!)


Staff Captain
Glo - I wish the best for your friend. Please let her know that we are all fighting for her!!