Prayers needed for a friend


Safety Officer
I just found out last night that a friend of mine (Paula) is going to have to undergo quadruple bypass surgery on Tuesday (and on top of that, she's a diabetic). Please say a prayer for her that she pulls through fine. I talked to her for a while on the phone last night and the only thing she seems to be worried about is the love of her life......her little daushound. She said she's never gone this long without being with Princess and she's heartsick about it. I don't get to see Paula often, but she's one of the sweetest and kindest people I know. She's several years younger than me, but for many years, she's spent so much time taking care of other people, that she hasn't taken care of herself. I told her that all changes now!


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Prayers winging their way to your friend.


Forever Remembered
Nita -I'm so sorry to read this. I certainly shall keep Paula in my prayers for successful surgery and an uneventful recovery. It's understandible how worried she is about her furbaby.

connie seabee

Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Sorry to hear about your friend. I will say a prayer for Paula that everything goes well with the surgery and recovery.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Oh -- I am so sorry to read this.

Prayers for her getting through this serious surgery!!


Staff Captain
Prayers on the way.


Trivia Specialist
Add my prayers to those of all the other addicts! And tomorrow (Tuesday) I'm going to send another boat load of prayers for both Paula and her physicians! I hope that we will soon hear that she is back with her little doxie Princess and making a grand recovery!!


Safety Officer
Thank you so much for all the prayers for Paula. Her surgery is scheduled for around 8:30 a.m. this morning and will be about a 4 hour procedure. Her daughter is supposed to call me when she is out of surgery.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
Prayers for sure Nita..keep us posted...Joanne


Trivia Specialist
Just checking in to see how Paula made out with the surgery news yet?? Praying everything went well!!!


Safety Officer
Thank you all for your prayers. Her daughter did not call me on Tuesday and I worried all day and night. I did call the hospital yesterday morning, but of course with all the privacy laws, they would not tell me anything. Working in a hospital myself, I already knew they weren't going to let me know anything. But....her daughter did finally call me around 4:45 p.m. yesterday. Paula made it through the surgery fine and was doing well. She is of course in ICU and will be there for the next 2-3 days. Thank you all again......prayers DO work!