Prayers please if you have some to spare.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
I have a dear sweet friend named Angela who has terminal brain cancer. On Tuesday Angela enters the hospital for a blood marrow transplant. This is going to be a long and agonizing process for her (as if 5 rounds of chemo in 3 years hasn't been) and difficult to watch for those of us who love her.

She'll be in hospital for a projected 6 to 8 weeks, and you can believe I'll be sending cards in the mail every couple of days, and bringing picnic lunches when I can start visiting her. She gets so happy when she can eat something other then hospital food!

Prayers please that she survives this, and that good things come her way as a result of this.


Staff Captain
Prayers for your friend on the way.


Staff Captain
I know brain cancer and bone marrow transplants all too well. I send my most sincere prayers to Angela and her family, and to you, also.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
Prayers and good thoughts from here as well Glo...sigh..Bless her...hugs.Joanne


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Don't know what's going on, but Ang texted the family today that she had to go in TODAY instead of TOMORROW (Tuesday).

You know, knowing someone who is this bad off really makes you put into perspective your health issues and how many blessings you have.

Take care.


Staff Captain
Glo - I hope your friend is doing well today, as well as she can of course, but I wish her a good day. (((HUGS)))