Princess Captain's Circle Cocktail Party


New Member
I've sailed with Princess 4 times but never indulged on the invitation to attend the Princess Captain's Circle Cocktail Party.

Does anyone know what goes on here besides meeting the captain and drinking cocktails?


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
I've sailed with Princess 4 times but never indulged on the invitation to attend the Princess Captain's Circle Cocktail Party.

And you haven't missed much........................

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
:D yup that pretty much sums it up from those 2...chance to yap with friends, have a free drink or 2 ,and that's about it...sometimes we go...sometimes we don't...:)..Joanne


You really haven't missed anything. The wine is apt to be old and/or rough and the "hot" hors devours cold. It's primarily a PR thing.

All that being said, go to 1 just to see for yourselves. Maybe you'll meet someone.

red stripe

Staff Captain
about the drinks...
ask for what you want :))

you guys are playing this wrong. Although I can drink the Champagne, Einstein always asks for his favorite brand of vodka and OJ or pineapple juice.

Sometimes I ask for a single malt...

The Skipper

Youth Counselor
HI Gang,

We have sailed 23 times with Princess and have not attended a Captain's Party in years. Not really sure why, but I think we just got bored with them.

Just returned to the group, was here several years ago and drifted away. But, I still have a Cruise@dicts shirt in the closet.


2nd Officer
We find the only entertaining thing about this party is seeing who are the most traveled passengers are on the ship. Sometimes it can be quite interesting.


3rd Officer
Funny, Princess is the only line I've been on that does that - announces the names of the people with the most cruises and gives them chotskis.

It was...surreal.:yawn:

Hey, did I happen to mention Princess still does the baked alaska parade, only now they use battery operated candles on top? THAT was really surreal...:cool:

I waited the entire "party" to get a waiter for ANY drink...never happened. I was hoping they would pass out decent appetizers...I was sooo hungry....LOL


Staff Captain
We have gone to the parties as it's just like a having a pre dinner drink any other evening. We meet up with who we are having dinner with, listen to the little speech or presentation and just have a drink or two. If we have something else to do we miss it.

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