Princess Cays??



Do U like this Private Island compared to other cruise lines private Islands? Whay might Princess improve on to make it better???


Post Edited (10-29-03 20:17)

Pat N

Well, only have experience with Princess far. I was there Oct., '02, and thought it was just great. Had heard good things about it before sailing, and everything lived up to my expectations. I'm looking forward to going there again when I sail on the Caribbean Princess in Oct., '04. Overall, I have heard very little good or bad comments about other private islands, ie. Half Moon Cay, Labadee, etc. Would like to hear and learn more. I have heard quite of number of compliments on RCI's Coco Cay. Looking forward to visiting there this coming Jan., while on the Majesty....soooo, then I can do the comparison to Princess Cay.


Hmm, what to improve? Let's see... offer scuba diving... scuba diving... oh, did I mention I'd like some scuba diving?

I'd also like to see an "advanced" snorkel area where those with experience can go and have healthier coral (which understandably gets banged up by newer snorkelers).

It would also be fun to have a few of the power toys back again, too.

If I were *really* dreaming, I'd say have them build a wharf/dock similar to what's at Disney's Castaway Cay so there'd be no more tendering.


I've been on only one cruise (just returned from the Princess Grand). I thought Princess cays was great but this was confirmed for me by an older (late 70's) gentleman in line ahead of me at the BBQ lunch buffet. he advised that he and his wife have been on every imaginable cruise line for Caribbean itineraries and stoped at al the private islands that the various cruise lines own or operate on. It was his opinion that Princess Cays is a real class act - more accomodating and nicer than any of the others he's visited.

The only negative I coudl see was that if one walks to the top of the observation deck. there's a low lying pool of fetid water several yards behind the deck, in between the deck and an inland lagoon or bay. It's not visible from t he ground nor did it deract from the expereince in any way but it would be ince if they filled it in and cleaned up that little spot. The beach was great, there was an abundance of covered areas to sit and eat. lots of chaise lunges and a nice beach. The snorkeling was better than I expected - not much in the way of coral as there's not a real reef there but there were a fair number of fish.


Just one quick question.... The first and up to now only cruise for my family has been Disney Magic (booked Grand Princess 4/04) . I have heard everyone talk about tendering, could someone please explain this and does it take a long time to exit the ship at a port? Thanks!!!


Tendering means the ship is not able to dock at a pier - it drops anchor a short distance off shore. The "tenders" are the boats that transport people to shore in small groups. There are a number of them for each ship, depending on size of ship and they run continuously between the ship and the dock/port all day .

There is a priority system for disembarking on tenders in which people who have booked shore excrusions are allowed to disembark first. The tenders hold a fair number of people - often as many as fifty. We tend to eat breakfast late and never had to wait for one - we just walked down after the borading byt group numbers had taken place and were able to hop right on.


Actually, the seating capacity on the tenders on Princess ships is 150. There are 4 of them (on Sun class ships) so, the process goes pretty fast.


While I like Princess Cays, it doesn't compare (in my opinion) to Disney's. It is fantastic! Yes, a pier would be great!


Same as Burbunny, Princess should offer scuba diving on Princess Cays. HAL, Royal Caribbean, and Disney ALL have scuba at their private islands and Princess, the supposedly "Diver Friendly" cruise line DOESN'T. Whats up with that? The main reason I go on a cruise is to get to dive in warm water and a stop that doesn't offer diving is almost a wasted stop for me.

Having to tender ashore is a drag too, so Princess, build a dock for me please.


Since we do not do the diving thing or the snorkeling the island is just fine for us. I like that they have paved walk ways and the buffet is better than RCI's. We thought it was a great stop.

Laurie :wave