Cruise cutie
Staff Captain
For all new Princess cruisers....
While *ON* a Princess cruise ship sailing ..there is an opportunity to obtain a Future Cruise Credit (FCC) AKA "Ghost Booking"..the newest info from Princess is that you have to purchase this for *EVERY single Person who would be ON the future sailing *..
for 100.00 per person you can then ensure on either a declared future sailing or a non picked sailing an opportunity to have this $$ lock up any itinerary ( except world cruises. )
They do put this on the daily Princess Patter, and tell you where the FCC Person is and the hours..simply scope it it as early as possible as it's the last 2 days 1/2 the ship remembers to get it done, and it can get a bit wild at their office....( we personally do it the second day of the sailing, the papers are delivered to your mail slot next to your stateroom, and it's all set..takes maybe 10 minutes tops..).we also always keep 2 you just never know!!
the beauty of this FCC ("Ghost Booking") is that when you do get this ON THE SHIP it ensures that in up to a 4 years time period you may have this 100.00 per person be the ONLY monies needed to "lock up a sailing".. versus the 20-30 % required from a Travel agent or Princess itself when you make a future booking..
two things to remember 1)...If you "like" the TA you used on your current sailing..this Travel agent person/ company will be awarded the "future credit"..OR you may have Princess hold it, and THEN when you make a booking ... transfer it to the TA of your choice..
2).FCC's ( Ghost bookings) are good for up to FOUR years, they may be canceled at any time, and the money is re-credited to the credit card of use on the ship at the time of purchase
ln order to get this plum opportunity you can ONLY do this WHILE on a Princess sailing ;once off ship it's done....also you cannot "add on" someone a child or friends etc.. those days are gone..
Also of note if you make a booking, and change your mind; it simply can be re-assigned back to your Princess account and re-used.. do not *EVER use the words CANCEL the FCC (ghost); use the word some less than with it agents have canceled them and yup you guessed it it was GONE.. ..and burned gone it is......buyer beware with that!!
this Is a loyalty opportunity Princess uses to have folks stay with you would guess that 100.00 per person is an unbelievable savings chance to have another booking and not tie up huge sums of $$.. and then the balance of the cruise is due at Final payment as with any other cruise booking..
Happy research, and Princess cruise sailing.....Joanne
While *ON* a Princess cruise ship sailing ..there is an opportunity to obtain a Future Cruise Credit (FCC) AKA "Ghost Booking"..the newest info from Princess is that you have to purchase this for *EVERY single Person who would be ON the future sailing *..
for 100.00 per person you can then ensure on either a declared future sailing or a non picked sailing an opportunity to have this $$ lock up any itinerary ( except world cruises. )
They do put this on the daily Princess Patter, and tell you where the FCC Person is and the hours..simply scope it it as early as possible as it's the last 2 days 1/2 the ship remembers to get it done, and it can get a bit wild at their office....( we personally do it the second day of the sailing, the papers are delivered to your mail slot next to your stateroom, and it's all set..takes maybe 10 minutes tops..).we also always keep 2 you just never know!!
the beauty of this FCC ("Ghost Booking") is that when you do get this ON THE SHIP it ensures that in up to a 4 years time period you may have this 100.00 per person be the ONLY monies needed to "lock up a sailing".. versus the 20-30 % required from a Travel agent or Princess itself when you make a future booking..
two things to remember 1)...If you "like" the TA you used on your current sailing..this Travel agent person/ company will be awarded the "future credit"..OR you may have Princess hold it, and THEN when you make a booking ... transfer it to the TA of your choice..
2).FCC's ( Ghost bookings) are good for up to FOUR years, they may be canceled at any time, and the money is re-credited to the credit card of use on the ship at the time of purchase
ln order to get this plum opportunity you can ONLY do this WHILE on a Princess sailing ;once off ship it's done....also you cannot "add on" someone a child or friends etc.. those days are gone..
Also of note if you make a booking, and change your mind; it simply can be re-assigned back to your Princess account and re-used.. do not *EVER use the words CANCEL the FCC (ghost); use the word some less than with it agents have canceled them and yup you guessed it it was GONE.. ..and burned gone it is......buyer beware with that!!
this Is a loyalty opportunity Princess uses to have folks stay with you would guess that 100.00 per person is an unbelievable savings chance to have another booking and not tie up huge sums of $$.. and then the balance of the cruise is due at Final payment as with any other cruise booking..
Happy research, and Princess cruise sailing.....Joanne