Princess - Passenger Profile Forms



In the "Welcome Aboard" package Princess included PIF forms that we are required to fill out and bring along for the embarkation process. At the same time they suggest to go personalization page at and do the same thing. As we had it all completed on-line I suddenly feel lazy and unwilling to handwrite same info twice.
I know it's not that much extra work, but really, if all info already in their computer (and I assume they make it available to the port authorities) why would an agent require filling up meaningless paperwork yet again at check-in?


Going on Caribbean Princess August 21. Hopefully "Earl"-the newest hurricane died for good and won't interfere much with our plans.


I always do mine online and then print a copy to take with me just in case. You never know when there will be a computer glitch.


I am like Janine, I do it on-line and don't bother with the paper forms Princess sends us (I throw them away). I have never printed up a copy of the filled out electronic docs in the past and can say we have never had a problem when we got to the ship. From looking around at the boarding process I think it goes faster if the paperwork was done electronically and not brought to the ship. The boarding agent doesn't have to review the paperwork when you arrive because it has all ready been done. When you do it electronically, very little has to be done when you arrive at the ship. One thing to note about the electronic vs. the hardcopy paperwork, if you look at the Princess cruise personalizer it does not ask you where you are traveling from/to and the time of your flight home once you leave the ship. There is a form for this in the "Welcome Abord" package. If you have little time to spare between getting off the ship and being at the airport I would recommend you fill out this one form and send it to Princess (I always do). This will assist Princess with making sure that you are identified as passengers that need to get off in one of the first groups. If you don't send this form to Princess they will put you in one of the last groups to get off (unless you booked a combination cruise/flight together and then they know when you are to leave). If you booked your own flight and need off the ship as soon as possible you can go to the purser's desk the last night and get your luggage tags switched. If you are not aware of how they get you off the ship they debark by luggage tag color. On the larger grand class ships (Diamond, Sapphire, Caribbean, Star, Golden & Grand) it can take up to 2 1/2 hours to get off the ship once they start the process.



Thanks both snowblower and jas2!
I did all that back in Dec 2002 with Sun Princess and they still had me filling out forms. Hopefully now that they have my Capt Circle numbers and all relevant data on file - I'll avoid it.
Printing filled online pages is a great idea nevertheless.
Once again thanks.