Princess Vs. Celebrity



Me and my Grandmother are going on a cruise in october and are deciding if we should go with princess or celebrity? Is there anybody who has been on both celebrity and princess, and could tell me wich one they like over the other and why?

Thanks alot,


You'll get an endless supply of opinions both ways... The reality is that you won't go wrong with either choice, both are excellent.


I have been on both and they are both good lines. The difference is in the type of service. The service is great on both but on Celebrity it is a more formal atmosphere and service. Princess has great service but a little more relaxed and friendly in my opinion.

Both lines have elegant decor. Celebrity just likes to be more formal and tries to be more upscale in atmosphere.

My preference is Princess but I had a great time on Celebrity also.


Been on both and would go back on both anytime. It might help if you list certain items you desire from a cruise.


Princess will give you more Dining options. They have traditional, with two seatings and they also have anytime dining where you can dine when you want with whom you want. but both dining rooms have the same menus and dress code for the evening.
I sailed Celebrity last time and just did not care for it as much even though I do prefer a reserved cruise over a festive one.


We really think they are both great cruise lines. That being said if we found a cruise we wanted of equal price and islands we would go with Celebrity. But we really do love both lines. They both have great service and food. The pools on Princess are freshwater instead of saltwater and they do have some of the best pools afloat. We like the little extra touches that Celebrity offers and we like the cabins better on Celebrity. So as you can see we would cruise on either line in a heartbeat :wave Maybe if you told us what you like to do or what you are looking for in a cruise it would help us to help you alittle better.


Paul (PEB) pretty much nailed it (except I'd switch Celebrity for Princess on preference) unless you give more specifics.


The good news is that they are both great! We've sailed on both and the only difference I can think of is that Celebrity seems to have a better handle on the buffet service in the casual dining area--just better organized and wait staff standing by to help anyone who needs or wants assistance in carrying their food to the table. My recollection of Princess is that while the set up looked prettier, it was actually pretty disorganized. I took my Mom along on a Celebrity cruise this past spring and she loved it. The wait staff were extremely charming and courteous to her. So rather than picking a cruise based on the ship (or line), I'd focus on the itineraries to help me decide.