PRINSENDAM guests still cranky? Uh-oh.

Tom S.

Deck Crew
I note on the 'Cruisecritic' forums the PRINSENDAM was NOT close to 100% after it's recent drydock. Anyone know if it is in fact ship-shape yet? ...I mean closing the POOLS and Promenade because of construction? If True, I would be ballistic too. Short-term $$profits$$ , but lose well-heeled customer's loyalty? Dumb. How is it as of today? Anyone? Tom S.


Forever Remembered
Quite frankly, I take such posts on the other board with a grain of salt.

Two separate posts about the Rotterdam were recently brought to my attention. One, written by a new poster on that board with comments that sometimes bordered on the absurd, ripped the ship apart from stem to stern. The other poster wrote a very level-headed commentary about the same cruise - mostly good, a few issues.

It'a not uncommon for some work to continue on a ship that's just out of drydock. Happened to me years ago on the Sagafjord on a Caribbean cruise right after drydock and an interim cruise before she embarked on her world cruise. On the other hand, a group of us sailed on the Volendam immediately after drydock in Freeport, and she was in pristine condition.
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Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Just checkled Captain Albert's Blog, to see if he mentioned anythnig about work still being done. Nothing, nada, zip. He dis describe their (full) transit of the Canal, and that Got me to reading about the new construction ....

Basically, the PC Authority is building new sets of locks nearby the existing sets. However, the new locks will have their own approach and exit lanes. Additionally, they're widening the cuts, so they can accommodate two way traffic and there will no longer be any need to convoy traffic as they have done in the past.

Another plus, the new lock chambers will feature sliding gates, doubled for safety, and will be 1,400 ft long, 180 ft wide, and 60 ft deep. So, they should be able to pass the Oasis class. Whoooo-Hoooo, new itineraries!

Tom S.

Deck Crew
ShipMaven, I'm just now reading an extensive daily 'Blog' by a current PRINSENDAM guest. Nearly all is well now aboard ship after a VERY hasty drydocking that left it looking more like a construction zone than a cruiseship. The pix in the Blog certainly bear that out, drained pool, aft deck removed etc,etc. Too bad more time was not allocated for drydocking. NOW they have loyal customers huffy. By our 24March departure all this will be forgotten....I hope. Tom S.


Forever Remembered
Tom - sometimes, many of us shake our heads why some things are done a certain way. But HAL is a very reputable cruise line. From many years of personal experience with them, I would be extremely surprised if Prinsendam were not "ship-shape" when you sail.

Have a great cruise!


Staff Captain
Tom - sometimes, many of us shake our heads why some things are done a certain way. But HAL is a very reputable cruise line. From many years of personal experience with them, I would be extremely surprised if Prinsendam were not "ship-shape" when you sail.

Have a great cruise!

I totally agree with ShipMaven that Prinsendam will be in excellent shape well before your cruise. There are many people who really love that ship........ a very loyal following.