Programs for Kids



I am sailing on the Constellation with two kids (ages 5 and 10) and wanted some first hand knowledge of what to expect for the youth programs on board. I am not expecting Disney level programs, but will the kids enjoy participating in these programs?


My son was 10 when we sailed on the Mercury and he had a terrific time with the kids program. He didn't use them exclusively and only chose to go when they had events he was interested in. There were movie and pizza parties and many other activities. The kids were seperated by age group as well so the younger kids had appropriate events for their ages as well.

Our trip was to Alaska and there were a lot of kids on the ship which was nice too.

I'm sure the Constillation will have similar programs and you're kids will love it.


We sailed on the Summit which is carbon-copy of the Constellation with a 5 & 6 year old and they had the time of their lives. The Fun Factory is a huge playland with ball pit, row of Nintendo games, huge craft room, big screen tv for movies. The good thing was the counselors are very well trained and they don't let the kids camp out on the video games or tv all day- they'll take them on scavenger hunts, play games, read stories, have their own art auction with their parents and do all kinds of fun activities. I think they're grouped 4-6yr, 7-9, 10-12, 13-17. My kids were in the youngest group so they did lots of arts & crafts, puppet shows, etc. while the 10-12 group probably has more activities geared toward that age group. Make sure you go to the first night meeting to meet everyone and get your kids feeling comfortable. Have fun- the Fun Factory absolutely saved our vacation, gave us a little bit of couple time (for free!) and the kids had a blast.