Protein drinks


New Member
Can I get a protein drink with aqua class on millennium.
All I see is smoothies but nothing that has protein powder.
Pretty surprising they don't even offer in the gym or anywhere after a workout.
Not a priority I guess


Forum Manager
Staff member
Something I have not ever crossed paths with.. Check with your TA. ?


Shore Excursion Manager
I have never seen a protein drink on Celebrity or any other cruise line for that matter. Protein drinks are kind of new are they not? Maybe if more people asked for them? One big problem that I see is that there are a bunch of different brands of protein drinks and they vary a lot in the quality of their ingredients. Would be difficult for a cruise line to find a brand(s) that would be popular enough to supply.


New Member
Protein is an important nutrient for muscle recovery and growth, and it's often consumed in the form of a shake or drink after a workout. You could try to bring your protein powder and mix it with water or a low-sugar beverage. You can also look for a nearby store that sells protein bulk, and you can purchase your protein powder and make your protein drink wherever you are. You can also get protein from other sources such as eggs, chicken, fish, beans, and lentils, it's not only restricted to protein shakes, but it's also important to choose a high-quality source of protein.