Qsine: dining venue unique to 'Eclipse'


Chief Security Officer

Parrot Mom

Bosun (Boatswain)
After reading the menu for Qsine...you have to be out of your mind to spend $30.00 for a meat ball fllled with cheese, oh yes.. for dessert there is a novelle cuisine version of a s'more.. This is a case of celebrity chefs run amok


New Member
I kind of agree with Parrot Mom...BUT, the Celebrity "experience" makes it worth a try for me. Guess I prefer the menu on the M-class specialty restaurants. Still, would like to see and experience the ambiance, food presentation, etc.

Everything is worth a try..at least once, lol.

Parrot Mom

Bosun (Boatswain)
As somebody who used to be an inventive cook I just loved deconstructing the items.. Oh sure I might try it once..I've already checked out the item I would order..crab legs if only they were served plain.. would probably insult the chef